
How does the stress genes composition of a fungal species determine its stress tolerance? A research group at UD has studied the behaviour of pathogens of aspergillosis, a fungal infection. Findings have been published in a leading journal on mycology.

As a conclusion to the programme series entitled Welcome Week, organisers invited foreign students to a welcome dinner at the University of Debrecen on Friday. At the event students were able to get an insight into Hungarian cuisine and culture as well.

The university of Debrecen has joined the Artificial Intelligence Coalition that seeks to promote research and use of artificial intelligence. UD may be involved in the activities of several working groups operating in the framework of the Coalition.

Debreceni Nyári Egyetem [Debrecen Summer School] continues to offer its ever-popular semester courses on less widely used and taught languages (LWTL) this year. Signing up for these courses is possible until February 19, and teaching will start at the end of the same month.

By defending its title won last year, team “BrainStorm” of Debrecen’s Ady Endre Gimnázium [Endre Ady High School] won the national English-language debating contest DEbate, the finals of which were hosted by Institute of English and American Studies of Debrecen this past Friday.

A cooperation agreement including the support of research and development as well as the offering of company-specific modules to UD students was signed on Friday by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy on behalf of the University of Debrecen and Managing Director Lukas Juranek on behalf of Continental.

Distinguished representatives of the Hungarian and international business life transfer their knowledge and experience in industry to students of the UD. The first courses offered by the Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation start in the second term of the 2018/19 year.

The Faculty of Engineering awaits its would-be students with laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology, continuously renewing trainings, 7 bachelors and 7 masters as well as several specialised trainings.

Dentistry training at the Faculty of Dentistry (FOK) is a model training at both domestic and international levels – the celebrating audience who had gathered to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Dentistry was told on January 28.

Learn from the very best Hungarian teachers of economic science in Debrecen! The Faculty of Economic Science (FES) awaits its would-be students with a Master’s degree in teaching economics, dual and sports science studies, as well as unforgettable student years.

One of the most significant infrastructural developments in the history of the University of Debrecen will be realised until 2020. The investments proposed in the framework of the project serve the purpose of renewing both the theoretical and the practical aspects education.

The Faculty of Science and Technology, celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, awaits prospective students with engineering programmes presenting state-of-the-art technologies and programmes in natural sciences providing high-quality knowledge.

Starting from September, the educational offering of the Faculty of Music will be further expanded in the area of master’s and short-cycle programmes. As a result of the developments of the previous years, professional records can now also be produced at the University of Debrecen.

Academic programmes in line with developments in medical science, diagnostics and treatment, degrees recognised both in Hungary and abroad, high-tech labs, student-friendly campus – this is what the Faculty of Medicine at UD can offer.