Hírek Innovation címkével

How can a woman become a successful leader? Is there a career and/or motherhood dilemma? What are the drawbacks of young people communicating today mostly in the digital space? These were some of the issues discussed recently at MÜZLI Pódium, while at another event of Debreceni Egyetem Mérnöki és Üzletfejlesztési Innovációs Intézet [Institute for Engineering and Business Development Innovation at the University of Debrecen], the Alumni Party, students could ask questions freely addressed at the master teachers in our Learning Center.

Novel drug candidate compounds, which are currently unique in the world and likely to be effective in the treatment of malaria, have been produced at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen. The outstanding achievement of the researchers involved has been recognized by a publication award by Gróf Tisza István Debreceni Egyetemért Alapítvány [Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen].

Hosted jointly by the University of Debrecen and EIT Health Innostars, a two-day innovation competition kept our institution vibrant on November 11 and 12. There were almost 150 students from 6 universities in 41 countries entering the 24-hour health-focused competition. The students were supported by renowned international mentors to develop their ideas. At the same time, researchers of our institution had the opportunity to learn more about how to turn an academic idea into a successful business venture in an inspiring conference with the help of the White Unicorn incubator.

Three faculties, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Humanities, of the University of Debrecen were represented at a conference called CogInfoCom (Cognitive infocommunications) at Chuo University, Japan, which was attended by academics from universities located on several continents. This event primarily focused on the potential of merging human and digital environments, artificial intelligence, info-communication and cognitive skills.

Electromobility and sustainability will be the central themes of the conference and professional forum organised by the University of Debrecen at this year's Debrecen Drive. The country's largest automotive event will feature more professional events than ever before, with more than 800 different vehicles, oldtimers and premium top-of-the-range cars and a spectacular night drive show in the area of the Nagyerdei Stadium for three days from 24 May.

The opening event of CASA 15, an international design competition for students of architecture, was held this year at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen. The participants, around two hundred second-year students of architecture from three different countries, were instructed to design a residential building with community functions located on a specific site in Debrecen. The host institution, the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, was represented by as many as sixty students partaking in the competition.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the UD Agricultural Research Institutes and Agricultural Economics are working on the monitoring of agricultural and hydrological drought trends and the development of a monitoring and forecasting system. The results could help develop effective drought mitigation plans. Details of the research have been published in the prestigious scientific journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

According to researchers at the University of Debrecen, the best way to ventilate offices in winter is to use machines to let fresh air in where it is most useful. The scientific paper summarising the research results from the Faculty of Technology was awarded the Publication Prize of the Gróf Tisza István Foundation for the University of Debrecen.

As the experts at the summit of NeurotechEU (which was held in Turkey, and where the University of Debrecen was also present) concluded, artificial intelligence and robotics would definitely bring about huge changes that we are not yet fully prepared for.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen have developed several new methods in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases including and similar to ammonia and methane produced on livestock farms. As it was revealed on Thursday at the institution's Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management (DE MÉK), the practical introduction and application of these methods is to be supported by the Hungarian state.

In the framework of the HUNOR - Hungarian Astronaut Program, researchers from the University of Debrecen are working on the development of systems for food production in long-duration space missions. Experts from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management are working with indigenous, home-bred pepper varieties to enable astronauts to grow and eat fresh, juicy and crunchy vegetables with zero emission during space missions.

Plant memory and its potential to be exploited, salinization affecting the agro-ecosystem and the food safety implications of metal contamination were among the topics discussed at an international conference on sustainable and innovative solutions for agriculture and food industry at the University of Debrecen. The conference, organised for the first time by the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management, was attended by more than 100 experts and focused on the theme "One Health".

The University of Debrecen is to receive 4.41 billion in government funding in several phases for the construction of the Vehicle Laboratory and the associated mini test track for certain educational and innovation developments at the Debrecen Automotive Centre. The complex will be built in the institution's Science, Technology and Innovation Park in Vezér Street. The construction site was taken over on Monday by the contractor HUNÉP Zrt.

Research at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Pharmacy is showing promise in the development of new active ingredients to prevent sudden cardiac death and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

The Hungarian pico-satellite, which was launched in mid-June, is now in orbit and is sending experimental data. The spacecraft of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) accommodates the instruments of several Hungarian universities, including the University of Debrecen.

The specialists of the University of Debrecen were seeking solutions to the animal health and feeding difficulties of the sheep industry in the more than three-year long international project that has just come to an end, attended by ten universities and research institutes from eight countries. The results of the EuroSheep program with Hungarian relevance were presented on Thursday.

Zoltán Mészár, lecturer of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine won first prize as a member of an international team in the NeurotechEU Hackathon competition in Stockholm. Their task was to find innovative solutions to a problem of young people suffering from mental illnesses.

CAR T-REX Consortium announces prestigious €2.7M Pathfinder Open Grant awarded by the European Innovation Council (EIC) to develop novel, scalable CAR T cell therapies with increased efficacy for the treatment of solid tumours.

The University of Debrecen and GE HealthCare have concluded and signed a research and development agreement to support radiotherapy treatment. The Department of Oncoradiology is the first institution in Europe to test the GE HealthCare software that constitutes a system of highly complex radiation therapy procedures. As for now, the application is only used in a testing environment but, once it gets involved in patient care, it will be able to provide more effective oncoradiology treatments.

A PhD student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen was elected member of the scientific advisory board of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The focus of Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh's research is the development of innovative, functional and sustainable food products.

Within the framework of Erasmus+, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen (MÉK - Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar) has launched an innovative program development project related to the precision agricultural engineering program. The aim of this three-year project is to design and develop a two-semester MSc program. The results achieved so far were presented on Wednesday at the Böszörményi úti campus of UD.

Is ChatGPT a curse or a blessing? To what extent can artificial intelligence develop further? What are the areas where AI (artificial intelligence) may play a decisive part in the near future? These are but a few of the questions that the master instructors of Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation (MÜZLI - Mérnöki és Üzletfejlesztési Innovációs Intézet) of the University of Debrecen sought answers to on Wednesday.

Ágnes Bene, assistant professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen, discussed the latest tasks and challenges of gerontology in Brussels at the meeting of the working committee of AGE Platform Europe, the European Commission's consultative body.

In recognition of her revolutionary achievements in the treatment of neonatal diabetes, Professor Dame Frances Mary Ashcroft of the Institutes of Physiology at the University of Oxford was awarded the "Debrecen Prize for Molecular Medicine" in 2020. Due to the Covid pandemic, the British professor conducting research into the physiology of ion channels was only able to accept the award of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen this year from László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs and László Mátyus, dean of UD.

According to a group of researchers from the University of Cluj-Napoca, tracking the movements of human eyes may turn out to be a useful diagnostic method for treating a number of diseases of nervous origin in the future. The experts gave an account of the progress of their research project by delivering a presentation at the series of events Brain Research Week hosted by their colleagues of the University of Debrecen.