Hírek Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management címkével

The Ningbo City Agricultural and Rural Development Office is launching an agricultural partnership with the University of Debrecen. A delegation from the major Chinese port and commercial centre plans to launch educational and scientific links, details of which were set out in a cooperation agreement during a visit to the university.

The governing body of the Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education (CARPE) met in Porto. The University of Debrecen was represented at the event by László Csernoch, Vice-Rector for Research and Zsolt Varga, Scientific Director.

The necessity of biodiversity monitoring, modern data collection methods, the socio-economic use of information obtained through monitoring, the launch of the environmental monitoring system of the University of Debrecen and the current phases of the work were also discussed at the 1st Biodiversity Conference.

Following a line of previous successful events of this kind, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management have jointly hosted an Orientation Day for first-year international undergraduate, master's and PhD students. The objective of Wednesday's event was to present the cultural, leisure and social opportunities available at the university, at the faculties and in the city of Debrecen, as well as to provide useful information to help young foreigners integrate into our university community.

The President of the Pennsylvania Farmers Union is calling for an increase in the number of American students studying at the University of Debrecen, and is offering his support. Michael Kovach visited the institution on Thursday 12 September.

Four students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management at UD have become the recipients of a unique opportunity to study for six months at South Dakota State University as part of a program called Precision Agricultural Engineering. The four future professionals will be leaving for the overseas institution on Saturday, where they will get a chance to attend lectures and take practical courses on farming.

A delegation from five American universities visited the University of Debrecen on Friday to discuss teaching-researcher exchange programmes, English-language training opportunities for their students, short summer programmes and one- or two-semester studies. The delegation visited three faculties.

The graduating students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen marched through the city on carriages and carriages on Friday, in keeping with their almost half-century-old tradition, to say goodbye to the city and the institution. At this year's Yellows Day, almost 550 students celebrated the end of their studies.

The University of Debrecen and Indiana State University in the United States discussed the development of academic and mobility partnerships between the two institutions. During his visit on Monday, Diego Morales met with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and students at the University's Faculty of Agriculture.

The University of Bonn, one of Germany's top five higher education institutions, plans to collaborate with the University of Debrecen in research in several disciplines. The two universities are expanding the cooperation started in the NeurotechEU programme, which aims to promote the development of neurosciences and coordinate research; university leaders discussed the expansion of the relationship during a two-day visit to Debrecen.

The University of Debrecen students and researchers have provided the highest number of Fulbright scholars in Hungary - this announcement was made at the information session of the International Office of the University of Debrecen, presenting this year's applications of the world's most prestigious scholarship programme. Every year, Fulbright offers 25 Hungarian students, researchers and teachers the opportunity to work as academic researchers and gain professional experience in the United States of America.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the UD Agricultural Research Institutes and Agricultural Economics are working on the monitoring of agricultural and hydrological drought trends and the development of a monitoring and forecasting system. The results could help develop effective drought mitigation plans. Details of the research have been published in the prestigious scientific journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

The leaders of the University of Debrecen and representatives of three faculties discussed the strengthening of existing cooperation and the establishment of further relations in the Central Asian country. The delegation’s talks took place at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and four universities.

Beijing University of Agriculture and the University of Debrecen continue to broaden the basics of their cooperation. These two institutions have been working together in the field of biological plant protection and pest management for more than two decades, and their joint research and education activities will soon be extended to additional academic fields. The relevant agreement was signed on Thursday by the leaders of the two universities in Debrecen.

Aurelia Giacometto Skipwith, former director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, visited the University of Debrecen to discuss agricultural research and training, as well as ways to increase the number of American students. He also gave a lecture to students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management.

The repaired and renovated DASE running track has been inaugurated on Böszörményi úti campus of the University of Debrecen. The upgraded athletics track will be the university's sports education and sports science training venue. The track will be used primarily by students of the Institute for Sports Science Coordination, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management, but it will also be available to the entire university community as well as the citizens of our city.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen have developed several new methods in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases including and similar to ammonia and methane produced on livestock farms. As it was revealed on Thursday at the institution's Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management (DE MÉK), the practical introduction and application of these methods is to be supported by the Hungarian state.

In the framework of the HUNOR - Hungarian Astronaut Program, researchers from the University of Debrecen are working on the development of systems for food production in long-duration space missions. Experts from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management are working with indigenous, home-bred pepper varieties to enable astronauts to grow and eat fresh, juicy and crunchy vegetables with zero emission during space missions.

Plant memory and its potential to be exploited, salinization affecting the agro-ecosystem and the food safety implications of metal contamination were among the topics discussed at an international conference on sustainable and innovative solutions for agriculture and food industry at the University of Debrecen. The conference, organised for the first time by the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management, was attended by more than 100 experts and focused on the theme "One Health".

The vice president for international affairs at South Dakota State University and the agricultural attaché at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. visited to the University of Debrecen. The two guests from the United States received a comprehensive introduction to the university’s agricultural education and research structure on the occasion of the launch of a dual degree program in precision agriculture engineering in Debrecen in September of this year.

The specialists of the University of Debrecen were seeking solutions to the animal health and feeding difficulties of the sheep industry in the more than three-year long international project that has just come to an end, attended by ten universities and research institutes from eight countries. The results of the EuroSheep program with Hungarian relevance were presented on Thursday.

On May 24-26, 2023, the #CARPE2023 international scientific traveling conference was hosted by Glasgow, Scotland. The University of Debrecen was represented at the conference by a delegation of twenty, led by László Csernoch, vice-rector for science.

Within the framework of Erasmus+, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen (MÉK - Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar) has launched an innovative program development project related to the precision agricultural engineering program. The aim of this three-year project is to design and develop a two-semester MSc program. The results achieved so far were presented on Wednesday at the Böszörményi úti campus of UD.

The researchers of the University of Debrecen presented the latest knowledge and research results related to the feeding of ewes, abortions occurring in sheep farms and ketosis in sheep at the domestic workshop of the EuroSheep project. The international program aims to develop the sheep industry in eight European countries.