Hírek Culture címkével

An exhibition of models and photographs focusing on the modern architecture of Brno between the two world wars has been opened at the community space known as Szárító műhely (Drying House) of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, on the street called Szombathi István utca. The exhibition will be open to the public until April 8.

As many as fifteen students from countries ranging from Syria to Uganda have auditioned for the parts of Ariel, Prince Eric, King Triton and Ursula at oDEon. The international theatrical company of the University of Debrecen schedules to present its latest production of an English-language musical, “The Little Mermaid,” in April.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE) organized this year's traditional conference in Gyomaendrőd on the theme of Song, Music, Folklore, Mythology in Chinese Culture and Language Teaching. In addition to professional presentations, the Saturday conference was enriched by Chinese and Hungarian music and dance performances.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE) will hold the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival on Saturday, 14 September. This time, Chinese students and lecturers of the institution will present a colorful program of music and dance in connection with the Panda Days of the Nagyerdei Cultural Park.

The teaching of the Japanese language was the primary focus of an international Japanese language conference hosted for the first time by the University of Debrecen (UD) on August 26 and 27. The conference, which was organized by the Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Humanities (FoH), was attended by participants from as many as ten different countries.

Students who studied at the Debrecen Summer School for a month and those who joined it for its second two-week section have done their final examination recently. Most of the students did a written exam. The exam tasks focused on grammar and vocabulary that the students mastered excellently. As many as 50 students passed the exam on the closing day of the Summer School.

More than one hundred students attend the prestigious Debreceni Nyári Egyetem [Debrecen Summer School] this summer, coming from as many as 30 different countries to study Hungarian language and culture as well as history in the next four weeks. On Monday, a grand opening ceremony was held in the University's Main Building to welcome the participants of the first two-week course.

The participation of students from the University of Debrecen was a success and a pleasant surprise in the 23rd Chinese Bridge International Chinese Language Competition held at the University of Pécs. Abigél Kota finished third, while János Szekeres received a special prize at the Hungarian qualification final of this international competition.

One of the most prominent figures of the jazz and world music scene, Chieli Minucci will soon give a concert with Djabé in the Liszt Hall of the Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen. The classy guitarist has worked with famous musicians such as Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion and Anastasia.

A variety of more than a hundred food specialties prepared by as many as 30 teams from 29 different countries/nations were offered to lovers of international flavors at the gastronomic festival of the University of Debrecen called International Food Day, which turned out this year to be even bigger, more exciting and tastier than ever before.

The plant-themed artwork of Ecuadorian-born graphic artist Luis Guallichico, Assistant Professor at the Department of Ecology of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Science and Technology, has been featured on the blog of British Ecological Society, too. The work of the laboratory assistant of the HUN-REN-UD Functional and Restoration Ecology Research Group has been inspired by the efforts and dedication of the botanists and ecologists making up the group.

Many foreign and Hungarian students of the University of Debrecen wrote their favourite poems on the glass wall of the Life and Natural Sciences Library, UD. This year, the University of Debrecen University and National Library (DEENK) has launched a community initiative to celebrate Poetry Day.

The new chamber opera Aldegunda by Péter Zombola, Erkel and Bartók-Pásztory Prize-winning composer and professor at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Music, premiered at Chicago's Jarvis Opera Hall and Prairie State College, with mezzo -soprano Viktória Viziniin the lead role.

As the organizers announced on Monday, the Kosovo-born pop star Rita Ora would also perform at the Campus Festival of Debrecen. The festival will be hosting the closing ceremony of the European University Games, organized jointly by the University of Debrecen and the University of Miskolc, while it will also be the central location for the nationwide Pont Ott Partik [roughly: high-school graduate parties for the public announcement of points required for university admission].

Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) has confirmed and renewed its educational and cultural cooperation ties with the University of Debrecen in an agreement that was signed in Debrecen on Thursday. President Chen Fachun, the leader of a visiting Chinese delegation, also handed over the document of the accreditation of our Confucius Institute for another five years to the leaders of UD.

Several new volumes have been added to the Italianistica Pannonica series of the Italian Studies Department of the Faculty of Humanities (FoH) of the University of Debrecen (UD). These three publications, which discuss common Italian-Hungarian historical events, were presented to the members of a select audience on Thursday at the Library of the Hungarian Institute of Literature and Cultural Studies.

More names were announced on Friday by the organisers of the Campus Festival. Nine international performers and seventy local acts have been added to this year's line-up, while the list of Hungarian favourites now includes a total of 140 names, according to a recent statement on the festival's programme.

The “youngest” Austrian library in Hungary, Debreceni Ausztria Könyvtár [Austria Library of Debrecen], celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its opening recently. The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen [DEENK] held a festive symposium on the occasion of this jubilee, where attention was drawn to the colorful cultural offer of the Austrian library's stock and the possibilities of bibliothecas as cultural hubs.

More participants than ever before welcomed the most recent academic year at the seventh yoUDay stadium show hosted by the University of Debrecen. As many as 23,000 people were partying together at the event, which is unique in Europe and where singers and musicians like Dzsúdló, Valmar, György Korda and Klári Balázs performed, among others.

As part of the series of programmes to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Department of French Studies, an international conference entitled Un siècle de dialogues was held between 31 August and 1 September in the Main Building of UD.

Twenty-two individual masterclasses led by thirty-two artists have been held in recent weeks at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Music, at the XXII International Summer Academy for Young Musicians, with over one hundred and sixty students from fourteen countries. The event also marked the ninetieth birthday of Tamás Vásáry, pianist and conductor, who this year again took over the leadership of the Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra.

The Debrecen University Press, which belongs to the UD University and National Library, has made its debut on the website of the Hungarian Electronic Reference Services (MeRSZ), which is the smart library of the Akadémiai Press, with 5 volumes. The aim of the project is to make scientific publications more visible and easier to access for students, teachers and researchers.

Over one hundred and sixty student musicians from all over the world, from nineteen countries, are coming to the xxii. for the international summer academy of young musicians. The world orchestra, formed at the event of the faculty of music of the University of Debrecen, will once again be led by Tamás Vásáry, who will also be welcomed at the meeting on the occasion of his 90th birthday.

The recent premiere of the musical titled “The Lion King” at UD’s oDEon turned out to be a huge success. In the adaptation of the two-act play written and composed by Elton John and Tim Rice, the company of international students of the university theatre, together the child actors and actresses who have just made their debut by immediately playing leading parts, performed beyond expectations.

Last Thursday, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen celebrated Chinese Language Day by arranging a poem recitation competition titled Petőfi 200 and the opening of an exhibition called The Power of Poetry: Lu Xun and Petőfi.