Hírek Students címkével

With athletes and referees taking their oaths and with the hoist of the flag of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the European Universities Games officially began. About a thousand participants travelled with police escort from Debrecen to Miskolc where the grand opening ceremony was held.

The summer graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen (DE) are about to begin. Between 15 June and 2 July, almost 4,000 graduates from 13 faculties of the institution will receive their degrees.

The Chinese students who are enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen have received their Hungarian diplomas, as first in the history of our institution and faculty to earn a Master's degree (MA). Quite a few of these graduates plan to make use of their knowledge and skills in the future in Hungary.

The University of Debrecen has held its traditional spring doctoral and honorary doctoral inauguration ceremony. At this event on Friday, as many as 130 new doctoral candidates in five different disciplines received their degrees, while titles of habilitated doctor, professor emeritus and emeritus advisor were also conferred. Helmut Flachenecker, Professor at the University of Würzburg in Germany, was awarded an honorary doctoral degree, while ecologist Csaba Aradi received a Pro Universitate award.

The participation of students from the University of Debrecen was a success and a pleasant surprise in the 23rd Chinese Bridge International Chinese Language Competition held at the University of Pécs. Abigél Kota finished third, while János Szekeres received a special prize at the Hungarian qualification final of this international competition.

A conference organised by the International Student Union (ISU), an association of foreign students, was held on Thursday at the Learning Center: students enrolled in the English-language programmes of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen (DE TTK) heard presentations on scientific work, the opportunities of TDK (Students’ Scientific Research) and the institution's talent management programmes.

A variety of more than a hundred food specialties prepared by as many as 30 teams from 29 different countries/nations were offered to lovers of international flavors at the gastronomic festival of the University of Debrecen called International Food Day, which turned out this year to be even bigger, more exciting and tastier than ever before.

The training session of the first group of students enrolled in the vehicle engineering bachelor's degree (undergraduate) program in the automotive vehicle engineering specialization at the BMW Group Factory Debrecen Training Center has been completed. Among other special fields, the participants were introduced to design, machining, sheet metal working and the assembly and disassembly of components.

The University of Debrecen is the only Hungarian institution of higher education to have received the gold certification of the FISU Healthy Campus program. Out of a total of 137 institutions of higher education on the international list, only ten have achieved a similar rating.

An adaptation of Tolstoy's novel, Anna Karenina, was staged with great success by the students of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (UD) in the Liszt Hall of the Faculty of Music. The performance, which premiered on April 24 was directed by Angelika Molnár, an associate professor of the institute.

The University of Debrecen and Indiana State University in the United States discussed the development of academic and mobility partnerships between the two institutions. During his visit on Monday, Diego Morales met with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and students at the University's Faculty of Agriculture.

On almost 800 square metres, 80 exhibitors and more than 2,000 jobs awaited visitors at the largest job fair in the region, held in the Main Building of the University of Debrecen. Supply was excellent this time too, with students not only finding positions, but also internships, volunteering opportunities and scholarships abroad.

Austrian and Polish students and lecturers studied the work of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education and Special Needs Education (GYGYK) at the University of Debrecen within the Erasmus+ BIP programme. During the one-week seminar, they learned about the theoretical and practical background of Hungarian curative, kindergarten and social pedagogy at the Faculty of Education and Social Pedagogy in Hajdúböszörmény and its partner institutions.

Many foreign and Hungarian students of the University of Debrecen wrote their favourite poems on the glass wall of the Life and Natural Sciences Library, UD. This year, the University of Debrecen University and National Library (DEENK) has launched a community initiative to celebrate Poetry Day.

Commissioned by European University Sports Association (EUSA), the next European University Games (EUG) between July 12 and 24, 2024, will be hosted jointly by Hungarian University and College Sports Association (Magyar Egyetemi-Főiskolai Sportszövetség - MEFS), the University of Debrecen, the University of Miskolc, National Event Management Agency, the City of Debrecen and the City of Miskolc. More than 5,000 participants from as many as 400 universities in 40 countries are expected to participate in this multi-sport event, which will feature competitions in 17 branches and divisions of sport in the two cities.

Students from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen have won second place in the International Medical Students' Championship (MedCup). The students also won two special prizes at the competition held in Brussels on the first and second of March.

The opening event of CASA 15, an international design competition for students of architecture, was held this year at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen. The participants, around two hundred second-year students of architecture from three different countries, were instructed to design a residential building with community functions located on a specific site in Debrecen. The host institution, the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, was represented by as many as sixty students partaking in the competition.

The Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business of the University of Debrecen has held an international conference of PhD students, sponsored by the university’s Faculty of Economics and Hungary’s Central Bank. Hungarian and foreign students delivered presentations in ten sessions. Gergely Baksay, Managing Director responsible for economic and budget analysis of the Central Bank gave a plenary presentation. The programme included a round table discussion too.

More names were announced on Friday by the organisers of the Campus Festival. Nine international performers and seventy local acts have been added to this year's line-up, while the list of Hungarian favourites now includes a total of 140 names, according to a recent statement on the festival's programme.

A new textbook on Preventive Medicine and Public Health for medical students and students of other health sciences has been produced with the collaboration of experts from the University of Debrecen. It is the first standard textbook on preventive medicine and public health to be used in the four national medical schools for many years.

Ninety-three students from twenty-one countries were welcomed by the International Office of the University of Debrecen and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Student Government of the university on Wednesday. During the traditional Welcome Dinner, foreign students arriving for the spring semester were given a taste of Hungarian folklore by folk dancersers, the Szeredás ensemble, ending the programme with a joint dance.

Greta Grof-Tisza is studying at the University of Debrecen, founded with the support of her great-great grandfather. Although the young student was ware that she was a descendant of the former Prime Minister, Count István Tisza, she only experienced the significance of his legacy once she arrive don the premsises of the university. The late Prime Minister's descendant was received by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and Chancellor Zoltán Bács in the Main Building.

The European University Games (EUG), jointly organised this summer by the University of Debrecen and the University of Miskolc, will be a highlight at the largest Hungarian education exhibition. It was announced at the trade fair, which opened on Thursday at Hungexpo, that the organisers are now inviting applications for volunteer helpers for the July multi-sport event.

Students of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Pharmacy had to deal with complex communication situations between pharmacist and patient in an imaginary pharmacy at the Pharmacy Care Competition held on Thursday.

Ádám Lengyel, a Finance and Accounting student at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen won the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Workspace Portfolio Management competition. Over two hundred future economists from 16 countries participated in the prestigious competition.