The new doctors have taken their oath

One hundred and seventy Hungarian and foreign doctors graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The newly inaugurated doctors received their degrees at a ceremony on Saturday.

- When you receive your doctorates, the first moment should be one of gratitude. Be grateful to your parents, friends and all those who have helped you on this difficult journey," began Zoltán Papp, Vice Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine at the University of Debrecen.
In his speech, the professor stressed that the graduates can be justly proud of their degrees, as they have obtained them at one of the country's outstanding educational institutions. 

- You will continue to be imbued with the same sense of sophistication that you have experienced within these walls. I sincerely hope that in the past years you have had the opportunity to meet teachers who can serve as role models for you in your professional activities," added Zoltán Papp, Vice Dean.
After the toast, the newly graduated students took their oaths.

- "We, the Vice-Rector of the University of Debrecen and the Senate, by virtue of our official authority, today confer on you the title of Doctor of Medicine, as a reward for your studies, and confer on you all the rights and privileges which the law confers on doctors of medicine," said László Csernoch, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

On Saturday, 91 Hungarian and 79 foreign students of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen received their general medical degrees.

The event also included awards for the most outstanding newly inaugurated medical doctors and faculty members.

Benjámin Regő Baráth received the Rector's Certificate of Recognition for his effective and conscientious work for the University of Debrecen, and Balázs Pauliczky received the Alma Mater Memorial Medal for his outstanding public activity.

13 recent graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine were awarded the DETEP Diploma for their work in the University's Talent Management Programme (Benjámin Regő Baráth, Orsolya Bálint, Eszter Fekete-Szabó, Attila Tibor Gerencsér, Máté Balázs Kovács, Lilla Nagy, Kinga Ruzsa-Kis-Schubert, Cecilia Kunjumon Daniel, Gandhi Natasha Jatin, Nour Kurdi, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Munachimso Ogochukwu Njoku, Cathrine Gassan Salem Alnamait).

Attila Tibor Gerencsér received the Distinguished Student of the University of Debrecen award.  The Faculty Council, based on the recommendation of the student communities and the Academic Committee, awarded the Distinguished Teacher of the Faculty of General Medicine for the successful activities in the theoretical and practical training of students and the organisation of education to Krisztián Gáspár, Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatology and Eva Ajzner, Director General of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Teaching Hospital.  

The students of the Faculty of General Medicine (ÁOK), studying in Hungarian and English, elected the lecturers they considered the most outstanding, who were awarded the ÁOK Teacher of the Year (Árpád Szöőr, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Biophysics and Cell Biology; Attila Oláh, Associate Professor, Institute of Biology; Ádám Takács Roland, Assistant Professor, Institute of Anatomy, Tissue and Developmental Biology; Norbert Németh, Professor, Department of Surgical Surgery; Róbert Pórszász, Professor, Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy; Béla Juhász, Professor, Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy; Irén Horkay, Professor Emeritus, Department of Dermatology; Péter Fülöp, Associate Professor, Institute of Internal Medicine).

The Pro Facultate Iuventutis prize was awarded to Regő Benjámin Baráth. The Weszprém Prize was also awarded to Regő Benjámin Baráth for his outstanding academic achievements, his outstanding academic work in the Scientific Student Circle and his outstanding participation in local and national scientific student congresses.  

 For fulfilling their commitments to the Sántha Kálmán Szakkollégium's training programme with excellent results, Regő Benjámin Báth, Attila Gerencsér and Mária Réka Pál received certificates of recognition. Beqain Anas Ehsan Salameh received the Certificate of Appreciation from the President and Vice-President of DEHÖK.

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