
A new neuromonitoring system with pedicle screw stimulation has been introduced at the Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre. Using the procedure, the surgeon receives feedback on the position of the inserted screws during the spinal surgery, which can be corrected immediately if necessary. The new method makes it safer than ever to perform procedures to treat spinal deformities.

With athletes and referees taking their oaths and with the hoist of the flag of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the European Universities Games officially began. About a thousand participants travelled with police escort from Debrecen to Miskolc where the grand opening ceremony was held.

Young percussionists who came to the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen popularized quality instrumental music with street music and advertised the concerts of the Young Musicians’ International Summer Academy. The carnival-like flashmob held in the city centre was mainly based on improvisation, which allowed the young people to get closer to the audience.

Kim Geun Yeong, a world-famous esports player has high aspirations, both as a medical student and as a professional competitor. His contract with DEAC was to end this summer, but he had it prolonged a few days ago and said that Debrecen University was proved to be the best choice for his studies and sport.

The first stage of the project launched to research the history and heritage of the Hungarian community of Montreal was completed successfully, its results and next steps were presented in mid-June at Concordia University jointly by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and the staff of the Consulate General of Hungary in Montreal.

More than forty staff members of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre were honoured for their outstanding and exemplary work at the Semmelweis Day ceremony. At Friday's event, Zoltán Szabó, President of the Clinical Centre, presented the Presidential Diplomas of Recognition, the Clinical Chief Physician Awards, the Clinical Centre Patient Care Medal, and the Outstanding Physician Medal and Award in the renovated boardroom of the President's Office.

The boardroom of the President's Office of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre has been restored. In 1918, Charles IV and his wife Queen Zita inaugurated the Royal Hungarian University of Debrecen in the building. During the project, the building was given an appearance worthy of its historical significance.

The University of Debrecen presented its educational, research and innovation development trends, good practices and international relations at the Hungarian Summit in Florida. The event was attended by Károly Pető, Deputy Rector General, Péter Nagy, President of the GTIDEA Scientific and Social Advisory Board, and Zalán Bács, for the Institute for Sports Science Coordination.

The International Student Union (ISU), an organization of foreign students of the University of Debrecen, donated more than one million HUF from the proceeds of this year's Food Day to the Foundation for Children with Leukemia. The money will be used to build a special sterile room in the paediatric haematology-oncology department.

The Executive Committee of EBSA, the European Federation of Biophysical Societies, held its latest meeting at the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The two-day meeting discussed, among other things, the themes of the forthcoming professional congresses, the editing of the association's journal, and decisions were made on the grants to be awarded to young researchers.

This year's congress of European membrane scientists was held at the University of Debrecen, where the latest research results in the field were discussed at the European Joint Theory/Experiment Meeting on Membranes (EJTEMM), which took place between 12 and 14 June. The meeting was organised by the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine.

A delegation from five American universities visited the University of Debrecen on Friday to discuss teaching-researcher exchange programmes, English-language training opportunities for their students, short summer programmes and one- or two-semester studies. The delegation visited three faculties.

The summer graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen (DE) are about to begin. Between 15 June and 2 July, almost 4,000 graduates from 13 faculties of the institution will receive their degrees.

Universities have been rated against the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the latest international thematic ranking by Times Higher Education. In the University Impact Ranking, the University of Debrecen was ranked among the top 400 institutions.