Hírek Education címkével

The Oncoradiological Clinic of the University of Debrecen has been awarded the title Elekta Qualified Regional Training Centre. This means that, from next year, the clinic will offer theoretical and practical training programs for oncoradiology specialists from Central and Eastern Europe. The relevant cooperation agreement was signed by the representatives of our institution and those of the company Elekta on Wednesday at the University of Debrecen.

A delegation from the University of Debrecen (UD) was also invited to Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) in China to join the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the host institution. During the official visit, the leaders of the two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding on launching a Chinese major program in Debrecen, while a Confucius Institutes Partnership Association, established this time by TFSU, was also joined by UD.

The KAIZEN™ Award was presented for the first time in Hungary at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen (DE MK). The award was given to companies that operate according to the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. This useful approach is also taught as a subject at the Faculty of Technology's Department of Management and Entrepreneurship.

The teaching of the Japanese language was the primary focus of an international Japanese language conference hosted for the first time by the University of Debrecen (UD) on August 26 and 27. The conference, which was organized by the Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Humanities (FoH), was attended by participants from as many as ten different countries.

The participation of students from the University of Debrecen was a success and a pleasant surprise in the 23rd Chinese Bridge International Chinese Language Competition held at the University of Pécs. Abigél Kota finished third, while János Szekeres received a special prize at the Hungarian qualification final of this international competition.

The training session of the first group of students enrolled in the vehicle engineering bachelor's degree (undergraduate) program in the automotive vehicle engineering specialization at the BMW Group Factory Debrecen Training Center has been completed. Among other special fields, the participants were introduced to design, machining, sheet metal working and the assembly and disassembly of components.

The University of Debrecen students and researchers have provided the highest number of Fulbright scholars in Hungary - this announcement was made at the information session of the International Office of the University of Debrecen, presenting this year's applications of the world's most prestigious scholarship programme. Every year, Fulbright offers 25 Hungarian students, researchers and teachers the opportunity to work as academic researchers and gain professional experience in the United States of America.

The Ambassador of France to Hungary arrived at the University of Debrecen to further strengthen the cooperation between the University of Debrecen and French institutions. The aim of his visit is to link UD's educational and scientific activities with French higher education institutions and companies.

The University of Debrecen is among the top 800 institutions of higher education in the latest rankings of Times Higher Education. More than 1,900 higher education institutions from 28,000 universities around the world were ranked in THE World University Rankings 2024, published on Wednesday. The ranking is based on their teaching and research activities, international reputation, industrial income and patents.

Twenty-two individual masterclasses led by thirty-two artists have been held in recent weeks at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Music, at the XXII International Summer Academy for Young Musicians, with over one hundred and sixty students from fourteen countries. The event also marked the ninetieth birthday of Tamás Vásáry, pianist and conductor, who this year again took over the leadership of the Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra.

The Debrecen University Press, which belongs to the UD University and National Library, has made its debut on the website of the Hungarian Electronic Reference Services (MeRSZ), which is the smart library of the Akadémiai Press, with 5 volumes. The aim of the project is to make scientific publications more visible and easier to access for students, teachers and researchers.

Participants of a 5-day summer school launched at UD on Monday can learn about preparations required before the electron microscopy studies of tissue samples and about how to manage the related practical problems. The course, which was organized by NeurotechEU, an international university cooperation programmed, is attended by 14 students from 9 countries, as well as laboratory professionals and assistants.

A joint exhibition of the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen (DEENK) as well as the Event Coordination and Alumni Centre present the processes of the shaping of the Main Building of UD in close to fifty spectacular photos. The photographs on display on panels and installations on all floors of the university show the construction in an interactive way.

The foundation stone of the building of National Manufacturing-Research-Education Plant and Faculty of Pharmacy has been laid. The most recent facility of the University of Debrecen is located in the industrial park of our institution on the street called Vezér utca. State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education Balázs Hankó, who attended in the event, praised the activities of the University of Debrecen linking education and research and development as a model to follow.

Delegates of Turku University of Applied Sciences, which is a member of the CARPE consortium, have visited the University of Debrecen. On Monday and Tuesday they learned about UD’s degree programmes and discussed potential future research cooperation. The topics of the meetings also included the international mobility of students and researchers.

The University of Debrecen has announced its next round of applications in the Erasmus programme for the academic year 2023/2024. More than 250 students will have a chance to complete a part-time study abroad or internship program in Europe or in a distant part of the world. The deadline for the applications is 15 March.

“Komondor”, a supercomputer with the highest computing capacity in Hungary, has been installed at the Kassai Street campus of UD. It will support the work of UD teachers and researchers. The computer of the Governmental Agency for IT Development will increase the currently available HPC capacity by ten times.

The Faculty of Informatics of UD provides students with up-to-date knowledge in data science and artificial intelligence, opportunities to obtain industry certificates, and a good chance to land a job after graduation. The applicants can choose from three bachelor, five master and an undivided programmes. This year the Faculty launches a master’s course in data science.

Major events, a record number of articles, and a tragic loss – The Press Centre of the University of Debrecen has closed a demanding but successful year. The Centre that has been named after the late Ildiko M. Tóth who led the Centre and died last year released about a thousand university articles, and contributed to over 30,000 media appearances.

The University of Debrecen and the South Dakota State University have concluded an agreement for the purposes of the expansion of educational and research relations and the promotion of international cooperation. The partnership agreement was signed at Brookings by Endre Harsányi, the vice chancellor responsible for the development of agricultural and food science.

The software is already being installed on the 5 petaflops supercomputer called Komondor at the Supercomputer Center on the Kassai út Campus of the University of Debrecen. The new machine of the Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ) will increase the current HPC capacity available domestically tenfold.

The Hall of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen was filled to capacity on the first day of the enrollment event, DExpo. Hundreds of high school students, future university students, parents, and teachers listened to the information about the institution, the training offers, and changes to admission and student life at the opening on Wednesday.

Vitesco is establishing an off-site department at the University of Debrecen. Based on the agreement signed on Thursday, the German company that manufactures and develops drive chains will be involved in the new electrical engineering master’s course of the Faculty of Engineering and in the mechatronics engineering programme.

International students from countries like Mongolia, Vietnam, Russia, Mexico, Syria and Iran will appear in the musical Hair performed by the university theatre. The iconic musical means more for the company than ever, as many of the actors and actresses can personally relate to war. Hair will be presented at oDEon on 23 October.

The University of Debrecen and Sunway University, one of the best private universities in South-East Asia, signed a partnership agreement on Friday. The event was also attended by the ambassador of Malaysia to Hungary. The agreement will strengthen the international presence of UD and facilitate student and teacher mobility.