Hírek Faculty of Child and Special Needs Education címkével

Italian Professor Nicola Barbieri has given a talk at the University of Debrecen's campus in Hajdúböszörmény on the child-centered professional methods of Loris Malaguzzi, one of the greatest figures of Italian pedagogy. The Italian professor also shared the results of his recent research on childhood thinking.

This year, the University of Debrecen (DE) will host the XXIV National Conference on Educational Science between 24-26 October. The international conference on Education and Care in the Service of Social Well-being - Challenges of Education and Care in an Age of Crises was jointly organized by the Faculty of Childhood Education and Special Education (CEE) and the Faculty of Humanities.

A delegation from five American universities visited the University of Debrecen on Friday to discuss teaching-researcher exchange programmes, English-language training opportunities for their students, short summer programmes and one- or two-semester studies. The delegation visited three faculties.

Austrian and Polish students and lecturers studied the work of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education and Special Needs Education (GYGYK) at the University of Debrecen within the Erasmus+ BIP programme. During the one-week seminar, they learned about the theoretical and practical background of Hungarian curative, kindergarten and social pedagogy at the Faculty of Education and Social Pedagogy in Hajdúböszörmény and its partner institutions.

The University of Debrecen students and researchers have provided the highest number of Fulbright scholars in Hungary - this announcement was made at the information session of the International Office of the University of Debrecen, presenting this year's applications of the world's most prestigious scholarship programme. Every year, Fulbright offers 25 Hungarian students, researchers and teachers the opportunity to work as academic researchers and gain professional experience in the United States of America.

The role of the family in education and vice versa as well as their interaction was analyzed at the international conference organized for the third time by the Faculty of Child Education and Special Education of the University of Debrecen together with the University of Pope John Paul II.

It was for the second time already that the Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs of the University of Debrecen organized an international conference titled Challenge and/or Opportunity: The Integration of Roma People in Europe in order to analyze the social situation of Gypsy communities. The scholarly-scientific meeting featured presentations in as many as ten different sections.

This weekend the summer series of graduation ceremonies will begin at the University of Debrecen. In the weeks to come, about 4,000 graduates will receive their degrees. The first ceremonies will be held on 17 June, Friday, at 10 am and at 13 am, when students of the Faculty of Economics and Business will graduate at the Cour d’Honneur of the Main Building.

An the international conference entitled “Education in Family, Family in Education” has been organised jointly by the Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs of UD and the John Paul II University Krakow. At the 2-day conference scientists presented their most recent research findings in areas like educational science, social pedagogy and sociology.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates agreed on upgrading the support system of young researchers at the University of Debrecen. At the event the infrastructural development projects completed in the last 5 years to the value of HUF 8 billion were presented, and deputy state secretary Balázs Hankó talked about further opportunities.

This was the third, and final closing ceremony held by the University of Debrecen in the Nagyerdei Stadium. Saturday saw the farewells of graduates of the Faculty of Health, Dentistry, Child Education and Special Education, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Engineering and Public Health.

More than 145 thousand viewers have seen the Jerusalema dance challenge clip of Practice Kindergarten of the UD posted at the largest video sharing website of the world. All the employees working for the Hajdúböszörmény-based institution joined the initiative voluntarily without exception.

Since 1 July, the head of the Faculty of Child Education and Special Needs Education has been Erzsébet Gortka-Rákó. She is planning to improve the international relations of the faculty, to start programmes in foreign languages, and broaden the range of courses.

Graduates from the US received their diplomas in the rather unusual venue of Nagyerdei Stadion on the first two Saturdays of July. At the second installment of the extraordinary graduation ceremony, graduates from as many as nine faculties could toss their graduation caps into the air.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.