Italian Professor Nicola Barbieri has given a talk at the University of Debrecen's campus in Hajdúböszörmény on the child-centered professional methods of Loris Malaguzzi, one of the greatest figures of Italian pedagogy. The Italian professor also shared the results of his recent research on childhood thinking.
Hírek Educational science címkével
This year, the University of Debrecen (DE) will host the XXIV National Conference on Educational Science between 24-26 October. The international conference on Education and Care in the Service of Social Well-being - Challenges of Education and Care in an Age of Crises was jointly organized by the Faculty of Childhood Education and Special Education (CEE) and the Faculty of Humanities.
The role of the family in education and vice versa as well as their interaction was analyzed at the international conference organized for the third time by the Faculty of Child Education and Special Education of the University of Debrecen together with the University of Pope John Paul II.
The experience and impact of virtual art education were studied in the research of the Doctoral Program in Education and Culture of the UD, the joint art pedagogical research group of the Faculty of Music of University of Debrecen and the Foundation for the Art of the Future.
Several hundred students, together with their professors and instructors, were the recipients of the new Institute of Special Needs Education of the Hajdúböszörmény Faculty of the University of Debrecen on December 15. There was even a bust of Sándor Náray-Szabó, one of the most excellent representa