Hírek President of the Clinical Centre címkével

The new CT scanner, which was inaugurated at the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen, enables faster examinations and more precise diagnoses for patients. This world-class CT scanner will aid the diagnosis and treatment of cardiology patients, and will assist in cardiac and thoracic surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, and oncological surgery as well. The high-tech equipment was acquired through a unique financing arrangement.

In Hungary, it is only the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen that can offer a state-funded FotoFinder-assisted examination for the early detection of melanoma. The new imaging device capable of providing such a chance was presented to a professional audience at this year's Regional Dermatology and Allergology Forum. At their two-day meeting, which started on Friday, the attending specialists also discussed the most recently available therapeutic options for allergic and immunological diseases.

Nine health workers of the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen were honoured for their high quality and exemplary professional work on Wednesday at a ceremony held on the occasion of the Hungarian Nurses' Day. At the event, in addition to the Outstanding Worker Medal and the Reward Award, Presidential Letters of Commendation and the titles of Chief Clinical Physician were also presented.

A chronic internal medicine ward has been established at the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre on the Gróf Tisza István Campus. The new department provides the highest level of care for chronic internal medicine patients requiring complex, long-term examination and treatment. The twenty-two-bed unit started its operations on 1 February.

The research and development collaboration continues between the University of Debrecen and GE HealthCare, one of the world’s leading medtech companies, to support radiation therapy treatments. As part of this cooperation, the Oncoradiology Clinic participates in the software validation program of GE HealthCare. The agreement regarding the cooperation on the complex radiation treatment system application was finalized on Wednesday.

The Divison of Operative Techniques and Surgical research and Interactive Medical Practice Centre of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen have been awarded a certificate of excellence. The outstanding work of the institution has been recognised by one of the world's leading simulator development companies. The certificate was presented at a conference on simulation education in Debrecen on Tuesday at the Learning Center.

More than forty staff members of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre were honoured for their outstanding and exemplary work at the Semmelweis Day ceremony. At Friday's event, Zoltán Szabó, President of the Clinical Centre, presented the Presidential Diplomas of Recognition, the Clinical Chief Physician Awards, the Clinical Centre Patient Care Medal, and the Outstanding Physician Medal and Award in the renovated boardroom of the President's Office.

The boardroom of the President's Office of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre has been restored. In 1918, Charles IV and his wife Queen Zita inaugurated the Royal Hungarian University of Debrecen in the building. During the project, the building was given an appearance worthy of its historical significance.

The Da Vinci robot-assisted surgical system has arrived at the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre. The 21st-century, state-of-the-art technology is used primarily in general surgery, as well as surgical procedures in urology, gynaecology and otolaryngology. Thanks to the precise and safe surgical techniques made possible by it, the risk of complications is reduced and recovery times are shortened. The investment of more than one billion Hungarian forints in robotic surgery was officially introduced at the institution on Tuesday.

The Cornea Outpatient Clinic, which was inaugurated on Thursday at the Ophthalmology Department of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre, uses state-of-the-art equipment to support the early detection of corneal diseases and provide better conditions for corneal surgery. The complexity of the equipment found in the clinic consisting of two surgeries and a treatment room is unique in the country. In addition to the outpatient clinic, the Cornea Bank, which has been operating for 30 years, also contributes to the excellence of the Ophthalmology Department.

The refurbished premises of the Clinical Physiology Department of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre, Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Clinic, have been opened. The development has further improved the conditions for teaching and research closely related to clinical patient care at the institution.

On Monday, a hybrid operating theatre opened at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the University of Debrecen, where mainly special cardiac catheter interventions are performed, but it is also suitable for open heart surgery. The state-of-the-art operating theatre was built with a budget of around one billion forints.

A delegation from BMW Group Factory Debrecen has paid a two-day visit to the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen. The representatives of the company were received by Professor Zoltán Szabó, President of the Clinical Centre. The delegation had the opportunity to learn about the operation of the Clinical Centre's departments and future plans for patient care during meetings at the Nagyerdei and Kenézy Gyula Campus.

Chongqing Medical University has initiated clinical and research cooperation and the launch of clinical exchange programs with the University of Debrecen. The delegation of this Chinese institution, consisting exclusively of professors of health sciences including obstetrics-gynecologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and infectologists, as well as their Director of Strategic Development, also met with the representatives of the Clinical Centre.

The University of Debrecen has established a new organisational unit for the management of disaster medicine and the operation of mobile medical teams in disaster and war zones, as well as for the management of domestic charitable and support programmes. University leaders informed journalists about the planned tasks and objectives of the centre on Friday.

After several months of testing, the complex resuscitation device of one of the world's leading American defibrillator manufacturers, also supporting ambu balloon ventilation, which can be used to provide more efficient emergency care for critically ill patients, has finally arrived at the Emergency Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center. The manufacturing company has asked the Emergency Clinic to be a reference center for resuscitation in Eastern Europe. In addition to patient care, the device also supports teaching and research work.

Oncoradiological patient care has been developed with a government grant of over two billion forints at the University of Debrecen. On Friday, the Oncoradiology Clinic's three new pieces of equipment and one of the world's most advanced radiation planning systems were officially inaugurated. At the event, Péter Takács, secretary of state for health, called the investment exemplary, which makes the clinic one of the leading Hungarian institutes, which is thus capable of a complete and high-quality cover of almost the entire spectrum of treatment.

On Wednesday, a delegation of the employees of the BMW Group was received by President Zoltán Szabó of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen, who informed them about the patient care activities available at the institution. The representatives of the German car manufacturing company visited, among other things, the Emergency and Gastroenterology Clinics as well as the Department of Trauma Surgery.

Hungary is the first country in Europe where a national skill lab network has been established. At the universities of Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged, and 16 county hospitals medical students can practice diagnostical, therapeutic and life-saving interventions using state-of-the-art equipment, in a real-life environment. Representatives of the institutions involved in the 13 billion HUF project discussed the experience obtained so far at UD on Thursday.

The European Society of Thoracic Surgeons gave the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Clinical Centre of UD the title of most reliable partner. The head of the Centre received the certificate a few days ago.

The Issues discussed at the Congress of the Experimental Surgery Section of the Hungarian Surgical Society (HSS) include the most recent research findings, state-of-the-art educational theories and methods, and the newest technologies applied in clinical practice such as robotic surgery. Participants of the three-day event that started on Thursday and takes place at the Kölcsey Centre will also commemorate professor István Furka, former head of the Department of Operative Techniques and Surgical Research at UD, who died last year.

It is not only patients who need health care in an institutional setting that the Clinical Center of the UD care for in a highly professional manner. The CC professionals carry out outstanding work in every field from screening to sample analysis to administering preventive vaccines.

An Operative Steering Group has been established at UD. Official travel of the university’s employees to regions deemed risk areas been suspended, Students who have visited affected regions and have come back within 3 weeks, as well as sick students, have been asked to stay at home.

Similarly to previous significant epidemics, the institution places the emphasis on prevention again. Continuous contact is maintained with students from the affected countries. The necessary measures have also been taken in the healthcare institutions of the University of Debrecen.

The Clinical Centre of the UD conducts research in the field of the Higher Education Excellence Programme using the most up-to-date technology of MI, Big Data, and cloud computing. Teaching of the novel methods, with the participation of Microsoft Magyarország Kft., ended on Wednesday.