
The research and development collaboration continues between the University of Debrecen and GE HealthCare, one of the world’s leading medtech companies, to support radiation therapy treatments. As part of this cooperation, the Oncoradiology Clinic participates in the software validation program of GE HealthCare. The agreement regarding the cooperation on the complex radiation treatment system application was finalized on Wednesday.

Study abroad, internships and research practices, intensive courses, language courses, summer schools and scholarships, i.e. everything related to studying abroad and student mobility was offered at one location, at the University of Debrecen's Foreign Affairs Exchange. This year, it is for the 26th time that International Office and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Student Self-Government organized their annual information day, where 15 exhibitors were looking forward to answering questions from interested visitors in the inner courtyard of the Main Building.

Saigas and Asian mouflons, i.e. argali sheep, are the focal point of the most recent joint project of Evolutionary Genomics Research Group at the Department of Botany of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Debrecen and the Institute of Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS). The new Hungarian-Mongolian research project is supported by a mobility grant from MTA [HAS: Hungarian Academy of Sciences].

The University of Debrecen has been ranked as the best educational institution in Hungary in science and medicine in the most recently published thematic ranking of the Round University Ranking. Our institution has improved its position in all the disciplines covered in the independent ranking provider's latest thematic ranking.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the launching of the Polish program, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (UD) hosted an alumni meeting in connection with the Alumni Festival. At the event, held on Saturday in the building of University Church, former students and lecturers recalled memorable moments of the past decades.

The University of Debrecen and Bengbu Medical University have signed a cooperation agreement on education, research and mobility. The document was signed by Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen and Sun Yanhui, President of the higher education institution located in Anhui Province, China. Before arriving in Debrecen, the delegation also visited our university's campus in Szolnok.

Faculty of Economics and Business (Gazdaságtudományi Kar - GTK) and Faculty of Law (Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar - ÁJK) of the University of Debrecen have expanded the circle of their foreign partners with Indonesian institutions of higher education. The relevant cooperation agreements signed on Monday mainly cover education and research activities.

One hundred and seventy Hungarian and foreign doctors graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The newly inaugurated doctors received their degrees at a ceremony on Saturday.

The faculty and students of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Engineering recently visited CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory. Members of the delegation were not only introduced to the latest results in physics, but also discussed long-term research cooperation between the faculty and the organisation running the facility.

The University of Debrecen made the start of the academic year unforgettable again this year with a great atmosphere with Hungarian stars, a laser show with a German star DJ and a touching proposal in front of 20,000 people. On this year's yoUDay, on Wednesday evening, university students and staff, partners, high school students and residents of the city celebrated together again.

The Divison of Operative Techniques and Surgical research and Interactive Medical Practice Centre of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen have been awarded a certificate of excellence. The outstanding work of the institution has been recognised by one of the world's leading simulator development companies. The certificate was presented at a conference on simulation education in Debrecen on Tuesday at the Learning Center.

Gábor Pusztai, head of Dutch Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE), has received a prestigious Dutch award. The Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau (Knight of the Order of Oranje-Nassau) was presented by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Hungary on behalf of King William-Andrian.

The President of the Pennsylvania Farmers Union is calling for an increase in the number of American students studying at the University of Debrecen, and is offering his support. Michael Kovach visited the institution on Thursday 12 September.

Students from twenty-three countries, including Tanzania, have arrived at the University of Debrecen for the autumn semester. The International Office of the institution and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Student Government welcomed them on Wednesday at the traditional Welcome Dinner. At the welcome dinner, the foreign students were given a taste of Hungarian gastronomy and were also introduced to local dances.