Hírek Innovation címkével

The University of Debrecen (UD) is intent on putting the study of biodiversity, climate change, sustainable development and water management on a new footing. As it was announced at a press conference on the subject, the unit called Biodiversity, Water Management and Climate Change Coordination Research Centre, which was established last year, would play a key strategic part in this process.

The foundation stone of the building of National Manufacturing-Research-Education Plant and Faculty of Pharmacy has been laid. The most recent facility of the University of Debrecen is located in the industrial park of our institution on the street called Vezér utca. State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education Balázs Hankó, who attended in the event, praised the activities of the University of Debrecen linking education and research and development as a model to follow.

In the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, researchers of the Centre for Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology have studied the molecular background of plants’ memory. The findings have been published in Trends in Plant Science, the most prestigious journal in the field.

“Komondor”, a supercomputer with the highest computing capacity in Hungary, has been installed at the Kassai Street campus of UD. It will support the work of UD teachers and researchers. The computer of the Governmental Agency for IT Development will increase the currently available HPC capacity by ten times.

Major events, a record number of articles, and a tragic loss – The Press Centre of the University of Debrecen has closed a demanding but successful year. The Centre that has been named after the late Ildiko M. Tóth who led the Centre and died last year released about a thousand university articles, and contributed to over 30,000 media appearances.

As a recognized member of Microsoft’s Learn for Educators Program, the Faculty of Informatics (FI) of the University of Debrecen also participated in the professional summit held in Warsaw, Poland, and hosted by the global US-based company, where FI presented its scientific and educational achievements with the support of Microsoft as one of the outstanding partners of this international corporation.

The software is already being installed on the 5 petaflops supercomputer called Komondor at the Supercomputer Center on the Kassai út Campus of the University of Debrecen. The new machine of the Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ) will increase the current HPC capacity available domestically tenfold.

The University of Debrecen and the company Continental have signed an agreement on joint educational, scientific and research development activities in the field of artificial intelligence-based software development projects and related technologies. The contract was drafted and signed soon after the multinational company had announced the establishment of a research and development center in Debrecen.

The current trends and most recent research findings were presented at the international biotechnology symposium held at the DAB Building in Debrecen. One of the key topics was mycotoxin research.

During his visit to Debrecen, David Pressman, the new US ambassador to Hungary was informed about the space research programme of the University of Debrecen. Ambassador Pressman was welcomed by László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs.

A Tudományos és Társadalmi Tanácsadó Testület [Scientific and Social Advisory Board] of fifty-seven members supporting the work of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen (GTIDEA), which operates and maintains the University of Debrecen, has been established. At the inaugural meeting on Wednesday, the dignitaries from Hungary and abroad making up the board introduced themselves and received their credentials at the same time.

Healthy green snacks? Self-driving motorcycle? - The University of Debrecen's stUDinnovate Innovation Scholarship Programme supports innovative ideas.

The first piece of equipment prepared by the University of Debrecen to be used in space has been completed, and it is scheduled to go into outer space at the beginning of next year. This unique instrument will measure radiation that affects technical equipment in the cosmic environment. The innovation created by DE SPACE’s Radiation Physics Research Group was presented at a workshop held in the Borsay Castle of our Mád Campus.

On the ESA Day held at ATOMKI on Thursday, European Space Agency (ESA) staff members could take a look at the relevant instrument park of the University of Debrecen and the Nuclear Research Institute of Eötvös Loránd Kutatási Hálózat [Eötvös Loránd Research Network] as well as learn about the investigations related to space research conducted here. Hungary’s Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research Ms. Orsolya Ferencz also participated in the event.

An article has been published first in a prestigious British scientific journal about the computer software developed at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen, which can efficiently facilitate certain evolutionary genomics research efforts.

The new building of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD will serve as a facility for low-volume manufacturing of medicinal products, medical food and dietary supplements, in addition to education and research. Designed by the Pyxis Nautica Architect Studio, the National Manufacturing, Research and Educational Facility will be constructed in 2023.

Researchers from the University of Debrecen and the Claude Bernard University (Lyon, France) have worked together for nearly ten years to develop a medication from an agent used to treat certain aggressive types of brain tumour.

The Ministry of Technology and Industry is strengthening its cooperation with the University of Debrecen in areas of strategic importance for the country. The focus of the long-term agreement signed on Thursday is the health industry, the vehicle and energy industries.

A joint research of the Institute of Botany of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management and the Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine was launched in 2021 with the purpose of finding new ways to increase the yield and quality of corn. Experts involved in the project have recently reported on the results achieved so far at a workshop.

During his visit on Wednesday, Saud Alshamsi, the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Hungary, discussed opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education, research and innovation at the University of Debrecen with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy. Among other things, they also touched upon the corporate ecosystem surrounding the institution and the UAE's economic development efforts.

A new solution jointly developed by the University of Debrecen, Delta Services and Sightspot Network will make the diagnosis of cervical cancer faster and more reliable, allowing doctors to start treatment at an early stage. The new solution is an image-based diagnostic system, which is able to identify cancer cells based on deep learning technology.

A new radioisotope therapy, so far used only in a few European institutions, has become available at the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen. The new treatment was first used on a patient with an endocrine tumour in Debrecen on 12 May.

The Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen has established a special research and education oriented organizational unit with the Hungarian subsidiary of one of the fastest-growing software engineering companies in the world, EPAM Systems Inc. The objective of the relevant agreement is to facilitate the integration of international market expertise and up-to-date technological knowledge into the channels of education.

“Space peppers” grown by the University of Debrecen (UD) in the space capsule Capsitron, on display at the exhibition Álmok Álmodói 20, have been harvested recently. The closed crop production ecosystem used in the research project DE SPACE has indeed produced delectable and crunchy vegetables. In fact, experts from UD participating in the project have studied several pepper species with the aim of selecting the ones that promised the largest yield in the smallest area with zero emission.

A world-class electronic manufacturing technology laboratory has been set up at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen. The laboratory installed at the Department of Electrical Engineering through a cooperation between UD and its partner companies offers an industrial environment where students can become familiar with cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.