
In the past few days, the International Office of the University of Debrecen has been promoting opportunities to study and complete internship abroad among students through ”Erasmus breakfasts” and presentations at nearly all campuses of the university.

Personalised training programme and lifestyle counselling for three months, free of charge – Five lucky students of UD have been selected to take part in the first health development mentoring programme of UniFit, which, from now on, the training centre intends to launch every semester.

In the framework of their 2-week visit in Hungary, 18 students studying Hungarian language at the Josai International University (JIU) came to UD, where they met Hungarian students studying Japanese.

An English-language doctoral thesis made by a Ph.D. student of the Department of Botany of UD has won the first place award of the European Federation For Freshwater Sciences (EFFS). The dissertation deals with the role of migratory waterbirds in the dispersal of plants and invertebrates.

A unique heart surgery has been performed at the cardiology department of UD. Outside Budapest, Debrecen has been the first centre to perform mitral valvuloplasty ¬– as announced at the press conference of the 24th Cardiology Days in Debrecen.

With the contribution of UD and the prestigious Mayo Clinic, Senzime, a Swedish company, has developed a cutting-edge monitor to be used in operating rooms. The device can accurately detect when a patient is able to breath independently again. Its use enhances patient safety significantly.

A group of students from the US have arrived at the Faculty of Health of UD to study Hungarian social and healthcare services. The 15 students learned about the academic, talent development and international research programmes of the faculty on Monday.

A ceremonial Senate meeting was held at the University of Debrecen on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of the Revolution and War of Independence of 1848/49. An honorary doctoral degree was awarded at the event to György Matolcsy, governor of the Central Bank of Hungary.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen have completed the most comprehensive analysis to date on the host use by brood parasitic butterflies. It took ten years of work to compile the report in the form of a database containing of the efforts and findings of as many as 40 scientists.

According to the most recent thematic list of universities published by QS World University Rankings, the University of Debrecen is located in the first third of institutions of higher education in several fields of programs related to the health industry.

From now on, electrical engineering students at UD will be able to learn how to use programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in an industrial environment. In connection with the new lab, representatives of companies operating in the region discussed opportunities for cooperation with the faculty.

What important rules do you have to follow if you want your research programme acceptable from ethical aspects, too? This was the topic of a course held on Thursday and organised jointly by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) and UD.

A physiotherapy student of UD will compete with astrophysics, cancer research and marine biology students in the final of the SCIndicator scientific communication mentoring programme. Ivett Szalóme Horváth has developed a unique hand therapy that allows the improvement of handwriting skills.

Between 18-20 February, the University of Debrecen, with the participation of international experts, hosted a workshop on awareness and use of cutting-edge research and IT tools, as well as on the improvement of the teaching skills of researchers involved in education.