
This weekend the summer series of graduation ceremonies will begin at the University of Debrecen. In the weeks to come, about 4,000 graduates will receive their degrees. The first ceremonies will be held on 17 June, Friday, at 10 am and at 13 am, when students of the Faculty of Economics and Business will graduate at the Cour d’Honneur of the Main Building.

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen released the first Chinese students who completed the Hungarian-language BA course in Hungarian language and literature at the speech day event held in the Main Building of UD on Friday. The 12 Chinese graduates started their studies in Debrecen three years ago within the framework of an international educational programme.

The University of Debrecen has joined the position of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) on Open Science. The Certificate of Participation was handed over to rector Zoltán Szilvássy by István Szabó, vice president of NRDIO on Wednesday.

Students of the University of Debrecen have worked as volunteers at the border crossing at Biharkeresztes for over two months. So far they have facilitated aliens policing procedures through providing translation services for the police in about 600 cases.

The organising committee responsible for the events of the 2024 European University Games (EUG) that will take place in Debrecen held its meeting in Mád. At the event specific organisational tasks and their owners were identified, and the preparation of the feasibility study began. The Games will be preceded by high-level international competitions at the University of Debrecen next year.

During his visit on Wednesday, Saud Alshamsi, the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Hungary, discussed opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education, research and innovation at the University of Debrecen with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy. Among other things, they also touched upon the corporate ecosystem surrounding the institution and the UAE's economic development efforts.

The University of Debrecen appears among the best 700 higher education institutions in the most recent Quacquarelli Symonds global rankings. UD has improved in the categories of academic reputation and international faculty, and has maintained its 2nd place among Hungarian universities.

The development of doctoral education and the strengthening of the alumni community were in the focus of the conference of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen (GTK) and the Károly Ihrig Doctoral School held at UD on Tuesday. The results of the project that had just finished and had been designed to support talented young researchers were also presented at the event.

Young Hwi Kim from South Korea, a student of the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and trumpet Master of Music student of the Faculty of Music has won the country final of the Chinese Bridge Competition, which took place online on 27 May, organised by the Confucius Institute of the University of Szeged with the support of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary.

First in Hungary, the medical education of the University of Debrecen has been accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) based on the criteria set by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). The accreditation, which is valid for 8 years, will significantly enhance the value of the degrees awarded by the university.

On Saturday, a ceremony was held in the Hall of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen, where research degrees and honorary titles were awarded. At the event 96 new doctors representing 5 areas of science received their degrees, and the Habilitation, Professor Emeritus, Civis honoris causa and Doctor honoris causa titles were also awarded.

A new solution jointly developed by the University of Debrecen, Delta Services and Sightspot Network will make the diagnosis of cervical cancer faster and more reliable, allowing doctors to start treatment at an early stage. The new solution is an image-based diagnostic system, which is able to identify cancer cells based on deep learning technology.

The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen and the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Indonesian Gadjah Mada University have signed an agreement on cooperation in education and research and on furthering the international relations of the two institutions. According to the agreement, a scientific exchange programme will be launched jointly by the two universities.

Staff from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD have visited the shooting in Oradea of a documentary series about the herbs of the areas around Oradea and Debrecen. The shooting will continue this summer in the Botanical Garden of the University of Debrecen.