
“Space peppers” grown by the University of Debrecen (UD) in the space capsule Capsitron, on display at the exhibition Álmok Álmodói 20, have been harvested recently. The closed crop production ecosystem used in the research project DE SPACE has indeed produced delectable and crunchy vegetables. In fact, experts from UD participating in the project have studied several pepper species with the aim of selecting the ones that promised the largest yield in the smallest area with zero emission.

Kinga Boros from Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania, won the literary translation contest of drama texts called egy sima – egy fordított with her translation of a play originally written and published in Romanian. The call for this year’s competition was issued for the second time by DESZ (Debreceni Egyetem Színháza [Theater of the University of Debrecen]) in cooperation with Debrecen’s local self-government and Csokonai Színház [Csokonai Theater].

The University of Debrecen is ranked as the best Hungarian university in the most recent Impact Rankings list released by Times Higher Education in the categories Partnership for the goals and Decent work and economic growth. The prestigious British collector of performance data has ranked more than 1400 institutions of higher education worldwide, out of which UD has been ranked 401-600.

The entries that had made it to the final of the students’ competition on the subject of the psychological aspects of human-robot interactions were exhibited and awarded at the Department of Psychology of the University of Debrecen on Thursday. The programme was also a contribution of the Faculty of Humanities to the university’s Neurotech project.

A world-class electronic manufacturing technology laboratory has been set up at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen. The laboratory installed at the Department of Electrical Engineering through a cooperation between UD and its partner companies offers an industrial environment where students can become familiar with cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of UD, the Debrecen Summer University, and the EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center signed an educational and cultural cooperation agreement on Wednesday in order to facilitate the teaching and promotion of the learning of the Chinese language.

The first Ronald McDonald Family Centre in Hungary was opened at the Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen on Wednesday. The facility will provide a relaxed environment for inpatient children and their families. Realised as a 120 million forint project, the Family Centre has been constructed at the previously unused loft of the Department of Pediatrics.

The new software in the equipment pool of the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen is routinely used in research and development related to autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence. The special piece of equipment inaugurated on Thursday will assist the vehicle research activities of the institution, which are of strategic significance.

The University of Debrecen is further strengthening its cooperation based on knowledge transfer with Uzbekistan. Rector Zoltán Szilvássy, held talks with Ambassador Abat Fayzullaev on education and R&D cooperation in the fields of pharmaceutical science and industry, as well as agricultural science.

Liu Shaoang, who studies sports management at the Faculty of Economics and Business of UD, won four gold medals at the short-track speed skating world championship in Montreal. The 24-year-old athlete of Ferencváros won the 500m, the 1500m and the 1000m races, and defended his overall title.

The Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen offers courses to prepare students for Microsoft’s cloud-based artificial intelligence and Azure international industry certification exams. The courses, which are available both in English and in Hungarian, will help students to successfully complete these competitive international exams.

Mr. Gunnar Saeter, professor of the Center for Comprehensive Oncology at the University Clinic of Oslo (N), and a member of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board (TTTT), which assists the work of the Chairperson of the Board of the Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, visited the University on Friday. The Norwegian professor gave a presentation on some new opportunities in cancer research.

On Tuesday, master lecturers of the Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation of the University of Debrecen (Hungarian short form: MÜZLI) discussed success and the way to get there, their careers, the pitfalls within, their respective experience, as well as their ideas concerning the future at the Odeon University Theatre. The first MÜZLI Alumni Party was attended by about two hundred university students.

The University of Debrecen is among the best 500 universities in the new QS World Rankings in the subject area of sciences. UD has maintained its leading position among Hungarian universities in the field of agricultural sciences (201-250.), and is still in the 351-400 range in the medical sciences ranking of the prestigious London-based organization.