
Her Excellency, the Ambassador of Norway to Hungary, visited the University of Debrecen on Friday to learn more about our institution’s program and research structure, its international relations and its extensive network of industrial partners. Trine Skymoen would wish to promote an increase in the number of Norwegian students enrolled at UD.

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Debrecen and Sunway University in Malaysia are to expand their bilateral cooperation through a new joint research and academic programme. Faculty members from the two institutions are currently processing material on the trip to Borneo by János Xántus in 1870, documenting the experiences of the famous Hungarian traveller and naturalist in two volumes both in English and Hungarian.

The participation of students from the University of Debrecen was a success and a pleasant surprise in the 23rd Chinese Bridge International Chinese Language Competition held at the University of Pécs. Abigél Kota finished third, while János Szekeres received a special prize at the Hungarian qualification final of this international competition.

The new building of National Manufacturing, Research and Education Center of the Faculty of Pharmacy, recently inaugurated in Vezér Street Industrial Park of the University of Debrecen, is now available for both education and pharmaceutical research and manufacturing. The three-floor, almost 7,000 square-meter, complex was built in one year at the cost of roughly HUF 12 billion.

The citizens of Miskolc and Debrecen are excited about the challenge ahead as they will soon be hosting the European University Games, Europe's biggest university sporting event.

The conference Sustainable Economy – Sustainable Society (Fenntartható gazdaság – fenntartható társadalom), jointly organized and hosted by the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen and the Hungarian National Bank, was kicked off with a series of plenary lectures delivered by distinguished foreign speakers and was continued with academic presentations in Hungarian and English by almost 200 participants at the Böszörményi úti campus of UD. This academic forum also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the start of the higher education program in economics and business in Debrecen.

The Department of British Culture of the Institute of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE) has organised a symposium to strengthen international relations and scientific communication. The event featured a guest lecturer from the institute and lectures by renowned foreign scholars on the topic of cultural memory and post-colonial culture.

A conference organised by the International Student Union (ISU), an association of foreign students, was held on Thursday at the Learning Center: students enrolled in the English-language programmes of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen (DE TTK) heard presentations on scientific work, the opportunities of TDK (Students’ Scientific Research) and the institution's talent management programmes.

Electromobility and sustainability will be the central themes of the conference and professional forum organised by the University of Debrecen at this year's Debrecen Drive. The country's largest automotive event will feature more professional events than ever before, with more than 800 different vehicles, oldtimers and premium top-of-the-range cars and a spectacular night drive show in the area of the Nagyerdei Stadium for three days from 24 May.

One of the most prominent figures of the jazz and world music scene, Chieli Minucci will soon give a concert with Djabé in the Liszt Hall of the Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen. The classy guitarist has worked with famous musicians such as Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion and Anastasia.

The Da Vinci robot-assisted surgical system has arrived at the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre. The 21st-century, state-of-the-art technology is used primarily in general surgery, as well as surgical procedures in urology, gynaecology and otolaryngology. Thanks to the precise and safe surgical techniques made possible by it, the risk of complications is reduced and recovery times are shortened. The investment of more than one billion Hungarian forints in robotic surgery was officially introduced at the institution on Tuesday.

A paper on the evolution and genetic architecture of a polymorphism restricted to cuckoo eggs has been published in the prestigious journal Science Advances. Several scientists from the University of Debrecen have been involved in the work since 2020.

Twenty masterclasses, twenty-two master teachers and nineteen instrumental sessions await applicants to the International Summer Academy for Young Musicians at the University of Debrecen. In keeping with tradition, the Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra will be formed again this year, led by Tamás Vásáry, pianist and conductor.

The graduating students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen marched through the city on carriages and carriages on Friday, in keeping with their almost half-century-old tradition, to say goodbye to the city and the institution. At this year's Yellows Day, almost 550 students celebrated the end of their studies.