
Students of the Faculty of Humanities who have successfully applied for the dual programme in the academic year 2020/2021 can obtain a degree from the University of Florence and the University of Debrecen at the same time.

The renewed University and National Library of UD has been officially opened. Owing to the HUF 400 million invested in the project, now the library awaits visitors with state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Complying with the pandemic-related rules, and with the number of visitors optimised, the fitness centre of UD awaits students who need to attend PE classes and those who just want to do some physical exercise. A simple negative air pressure system has also been installed in the facility.

Foreign students studying at UD can only enter the country if they have no symptoms, but they still have to spend 14 days in quarantine and demonstrate two negative PCR tests. They can indicate their status with a sticker on the door in order to ease their neighbours’ minds.

The Department of Botany at UD has digitalised its four botanical collections, and integrated data into a special database that can be used in distance learning as well. The structure, the morphological section and microscopic photos of various plants are all available in the virtual collection.

Andreas Zagkiis, general secretary of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has visited the University of Debrecen. He came to see the 3x3 basketball Youth Festival and the World Tour in Debrecen. Mr. Zagkiis was welcomed by rector Zoltán Szilvássy and chancellor Zoltán Bács.

High-school teachers learned about local multinational companies and workplace environment in the service sector at a workshop organised jointly by the University of Debrecen and the Debrecen BSC roundtable.

The University of Debrecen will receive HUF 6.25 billion from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund in the framework of the Thematic Excellence Programme 2020. Of the HUF 43.9 billion provided to 27 Hungarian science institutions, UD will receive the biggest amount.

With 884 applications submitted for 986 places, this year UD has proved to be the most popular university in the second round of entrance exams. The number of successful applicants will be announced at the end of August.

Besides studying the language, those participating in the courses of the King Sejong Institute, which operates as part of the Debrecen Summer University, can also gain insight into Korean culture and gastronomy.

In September, following standard admission procedure, 6,127 freshmen will start their studies on the Hungarian courses of the UD. After the second procedure and the entrance examination organized for people living over the border outside of Hungary, the number of students admitted may exceed 9,000.

Mariann Móré, the new dean of the Faculty of Health at UD talked about recent results and plans for the future to The head of the faculty also outlined the planned developments and changes that may affect the operation of the faculty.

Since 1 July, the head of the Faculty of Child Education and Special Needs Education has been Erzsébet Gortka-Rákó. She is planning to improve the international relations of the faculty, to start programmes in foreign languages, and broaden the range of courses.