
Students of the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Pharmacy had to deal with complex communication situations between pharmacist and patient in an imaginary pharmacy at the Pharmacy Care Competition held on Thursday.

Ádám Lengyel, a Finance and Accounting student at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen won the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Workspace Portfolio Management competition. Over two hundred future economists from 16 countries participated in the prestigious competition.

H.E. Gong Tao, the new ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Budapest, has discussed new opportunities for cooperation between the University of Debrecen and Chinese companies as well as institutions of higher education with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy. During the visit of his delegation, the Chinese diplomat and his staff also met some Chinese international students enrolled at our university.

Mr. Jeff Liu, a former CEO of the overseas division of Semcorp Group, was the guest invited to a panel discussion hosted by of the Institute of Engineering and Business Innovation of the University of Debrecen on Tuesday. Mr. Liu, whose story has also been adapted and screened by Netflix, talked about the initial difficulties in his career, his professional experiences, cross-cultural collaborations and future technological developments such as the rise of artificial intelligence and renewable energy sources.

The University of Debrecen has held its autumn PhD graduation ceremony traditionally in the framework of the Celebration of Hungarian Science. At the ceremony, 111 candidates received their diplomas, and Habilitated Doctorate and Professor Emeritus titles as well as university awards were also conferred.

The Supervisory Board of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) has visited the University of Debrecen in connection with the organization of the upcoming European Universities Games (EUG). 228 days are left until the Games of next summer. The organizers have finalized the sports programmes, the number of competitors and will soon expect entries.

Researchers at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen have developed a prototype of an environment-friendly, high-performance, rechargeable zinc-air battery. This new type of energy store is based on cellulose and uses biodegradable materials as additives and membranes. Its development is in the scale-up phase.

After a Memorandum of Understanding between Sunway University (SU), Malaysia and the University of Debrecen (UD) was signed a year ago, several educational and research projects have started between the Centre for English Language Studies, SU (CELS) and our Faculty of Humanities/Institute of English and American Studies (UD), also accompanied by staff exchange facilitated by an Erasmus+ contract.

The János Arany Centre, founded in 2018 by Debrecen Summer University and Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, announced a pronunciation competition for Chinese students majoring in Hungarian language and literature, on the occasion of the day of the Hungarian language.

The University of Debrecen was included as the only Hungarian higher education institution in the latest publication of the Healthy Campus programme of the International University Sports Federation, which collected the best examples of university well-being from all over the world, with as many as seven best practices.

The Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen has won the title of European Model Project for a program aimed at improving the quality of patient care in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and gynecological diseases. The project representatives were also invited to a conference organized by Széchenyi Program Office, where the best trans-border Central European projects could be presented.

Chongqing Medical University has initiated clinical and research cooperation and the launch of clinical exchange programs with the University of Debrecen. The delegation of this Chinese institution, consisting exclusively of professors of health sciences including obstetrics-gynecologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and infectologists, as well as their Director of Strategic Development, also met with the representatives of the Clinical Centre.

On Tuesday evening, students and employees of the University of Debrecen had a chance to view a portrait film in the university theatre hall about the career of the legendary youth coach of Real Madrid, József Tóth-Zele. The premiere, which was combined with a Q&A session with the audience, was also attended by the 88-year-old title character and the producer of the film, Ambassador Barnabás Kovács.

A Hungarian delegation formed with the help of our Confucius Institute and headed by Vice Rector for General Affairs Károly Pető travelled to China recently. The members of the delegation met with representatives of several partner universities and a number of industrial companies to discuss further cooperation opportunities.