
Researchers of Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics at the UD have conducted studies of hydro-morphodynamics, measuring the spatial and temporal river channel changes in the Sajó River, with the help of innovative measuring devices and in collaboration with German researchers.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary has hosted an online scientific conference on the current status of R&D related to the protection from the spread of COVID-19. At the conference, Rector Zoltán Szilvássy gave a presentation on the developments currently underway at the UD.

From now on, the students of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Debrecen can learn about Lean production, logistics and supply chains in a special laboratory. This new unit has been designed in cooperation with Kaizen Institute Hungary Kft. and Tech-Con Hungária Kft.

András Székely, a specialist at the University of Debrecen, is the one who has been asked recently by the European Society of Radiology to prepare a CT reporting guide for radiologists on COVID-19 pneumonia in the form of a video.

A researcher from the UD has participated in the work of the international research group that established that the opening of forest canopies exerts an effect of heat stress on the flora in the forest underbrush. The findings of the research project were published by prestigious Science magazine.

The series of events of the University of Debrecen, called Erasmus Days, has been recognized in the mobilityStar category of STARaward, a programme organized by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The objective of the programme is to reward the best university programmes, and present them as examples

Supported by the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), the University of Debrecen (UD) and the National Public Health Centre have agreed to promote creation of up-to-date vaccine production in Hungary. The agreement was signed in the Ministry on Friday.

Richter Gedeon Plc. donated biotechnological instruments to the amount of 38 million HUF to the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD for educational and research purposes. The high-tech devices will be used in the laboratories of the Institute of Biotechnology.

A huge series of concerts is planned for the end of August at Nagyerdő to restart life. Campus Eleven will await visitors hungry for some fun with concerts and other programmes through 11 days.

All around the world, 650 million people are obese, while 817 million are starving. Contrary to popular belief in Hungary, wasting food is not an issue that only affects rich countries. Hungarian people throw out lots of food, too.

With its 44th position in the Good Health and Wellbeing category the University of Debrecen has ranked the best Hungarian university, also ranking among the best among the world’s universities in three other categories on the most recent list of Times Higher Education (THE).

yoUDay has made it to the program of the Stay Home! Festival. A shortened summary of last year’s stadium show in front of capacity crowds to kick off the new academic year of the University of Debrecen was viewed by over ten thousand people on the largest social media interface.

Before the appearance of the corona virus the only exercise that the majority of office workers got was getting to work and back home. Many of those who work from home now get even less exercise. It is mainly these people that the Sports Medicine Clinic of the UD is trying to help.

The personality of students determines how they are able to stand up to the heat in an emergency situation like the one that we are experiencing these days. At the Faculty of Health, students learn techniques that allow them to respond quickly and properly in any situation.