
Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can also greatly help to weather a possible disease caused by the coronavirus, the event organised by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen on the current situation of the fitness sector was told.

As a results of the gradual relaxation of covid protection measures DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) provides the opportunity to borrow books again in a limited way from 8 April again in all its units.

It is not only patients who need health care in an institutional setting that the Clinical Center of the UD care for in a highly professional manner. The CC professionals carry out outstanding work in every field from screening to sample analysis to administering preventive vaccines.

The NeurotechEU project is looking for partners in their quest to solve problems of neurosciences. Researchers and companies interested in developing new industrial solutions and technologies can contact the project’s personnel by completing a questionnaire.

22 teams from UD’s Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science and Technology are going to participate in the online competition announced by the global atomic energy corporation Rosatom. Representatives of the most prestigious Russian technical universities will also contribute to the event.

Institute of History UD has recently received a prestigious series of books compiled and written on the history of the Catholic religious order named Deutscher Orden, also known as the Teutonic Order.

According to data available on the general application procedure to institutions of higher education, the number of applicants who wish to study at the University of Debrecen surpassed not only last year’s figures but also the national average.

A number of significant investments and developments financed through support from the Hungarian state are to be launched in 2021 at Faculty of Engineering of the UD. These improvements include an entire new wing of a building to be constructed.

The UD has been ranked 195th on the list of institutions of higher education in emerging economies published by Times Higher Education. Ours is one of ten universities out of the 600 institutions judged that could move forward at least two categories during the course of the past year.

The University of Debrecen continues to be among the top 450 universities according to the thematic list ranking life sciences and general medicine most recently issued by the prestigious London-based organization QS (Quacquarelli Symonds).

Scalpels, scissors and forceps make up the sets of medical instruments included in a more than HUF 4 million worth of donation offered by MEDICOR Kéziműszer Zrt. [Medicor Hand Instrument Ltd.] to support the programs of the University of Debrecen in medicine.

More than 1 million forints has been offered to the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology by International Students’ Union, part of the student government of the University of Debrecen. They have allocated part of the proceeds of last year’s International Food Day to buy two patient beds.

Experts from the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen have developed a mathematically based traffic simulation model that helps to use autonomous vehicles more safely. The publication on the special statistical method was published in the international journal PLos One.