
The series of graduation ceremonies in the winter period has been started by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management. The ceremonies are recorded by the Multimedia and E-learning Centre.

Debreceni Egyetemi Színház Vígkarma Társulata [verbatim: Happy Karma Troupe of the Theatre of the University of Debrecen] is to represent Hungary at the 2019 international Amateur Theatre Festival hosted in Canada by AITA/IATA, the most successful association of amateur theatres in the world.

The participants of the special course of the University of Debrecen completed the semester by giving a pop concert. At the Sunday evening event, both the students and their instructors took the stage in Liszt Hall of the Faculty of Music.

Several hundred students, together with their professors and instructors, were the recipients of the new Institute of Special Needs Education of the Hajdúböszörmény Faculty of the University of Debrecen on December 15. There was even a bust of Sándor Náray-Szabó, one of the most excellent representa

This year, for his ground-breaking results in the field of cancer research, Sir David Philip Lane has received the "Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine". The award-winning ceremony took place on Thursday at the UD. The discovery of the scientist primarily facilitates the treatment of leukemia.

The Vice-President of General Electric Magyarország, Endre Ascsillán, discussed several topics in his presentation given at the Faculty of Public Health, including the role of communication in health policy, cost-effective health care and the significance of the programs offered by the UD.

Researchers at the Faculty of Agriculture of UD have reduced the breeding time of carp to one third. The Fish Biology Laboratory has developed a technology that allows carps to achieve sexual maturity and marketable size in 12-13 months.

A discovery made by researchers of UD may be an important step forward in fighting against bacteria. The researchers have created compounds that may prevent infections caused by pathogens. The findings have been published in "Chemistry – A European Journal".

The Life Sciences Library will be open for students until midnight in the exam period. In addition to the longer opening hours, the University and National Library of UD (DEENK) has also introduced a new service for the online uploading of journals.

Among other issues, vice rector László Csernoch discussed details regarding cooperation in the education of automotive engineers with the representative of the University of Hamburg (HAW) at the meeting of the international consortium CARPE in Brussels last week.

Invited by the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Sociology and Social Policy, representatives of CARPE, the strategic alliance of European universities, arrived for a 2-day workshop at UD.

The representatives of the South-Chinese Guangxi region and the Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (GUFE) attended thematic presentations and consultations on Wednesday and Thursday, and signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Debrecen.

The number of sections in DEAC has grown to 19, as from the next season on football players will also compete wearing jerseys with the colours of the club. Players can register themselves for the team at the Dóczy street University Sports Centre.

As the only Hungarian member of an international team, László Radócz, head of the Institute of Plant Protection, studied the transformation of the natural environment on the coral island of Ducie. The last time a scientific expedition visited the Pacific island was 10 years ago.