
According to the university rankings most recently published by the Hungarian periodical HVG, the University of Debrecen is among the best institutions of higher education in Hungary and it also offers one of the widest ranges of academic programs in the nation.

The traditions of Scandinavian, South Slavic, and Hungarian handball goalkeeper cultures came together at a unique conference hosted by the University of Debrecen, held last Thursday in Sport Science Educational Center.

Health industry startups and SMEs could present and introduce themselves at what is called SmartHealth Meetup, hosted by University of Debrecen Technology and Knowledge Transfer Center on November 16 at Nagyerdei Víztorony during the course of Startup Week.

As part of a joint international effort, the activities in the framework of what is called SocialErasmus Week were held this fall simultaneously in as many as 38 countries altogether. The University of Debrecen did not miss the chance to take part in this social initiative this time either.

András Jávor, the general vice rector of the University of Debrecen, was elected as the vice president of the Committee of Cross-Border Higher Education Institutions of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.

Spectacular decorations, video projection mapping, special ball themes, oaths taken and dances performed by freshers, election of ball queens, star performers - the series of freshers’ balls is now starting.

Identifying shared research areas at the international exchange of experiences, as well as the international mobility of students and faculty members were also topics at the meeting of the CARPE Steering Committee, recently held at the University of Debrecen.

Five games, twelve hours of competition time, approximately two hundred gamers, two kilometres of UTP cables – these were some of the figures by which the LAN Party of the Faculty of Information Technology could be characterized.

A six-member delegation from Huzhou University of China visited the University of Debrecen on 4 November to find out more about the possible links that could be forged between the two institutions.

Concerts, flashmob by students, fireworks, unique light and laser show – the stadium show of the University of Debrecen provided a special experience. This was yoUDay in 2016.

The statue of István Tisza, two-time prime minister of Hungary in the early 20th century, after whom the University of Debrecen was originally named, was erected in front of the Main Building, thus honouring the memory of the founder of the university.

Before the dedication of the statue erected to commemorate the statesman instrumental in the foundation of the university and after whom it was originally named, a symposium titled “István Tisza and the University of Debrecen” was held in the Aula.

Fabbri 1905 S.pA., a long-established Italian sweets manufacturer, plans to use the research of the University of Debrecen in the fields of health and food industry.

After a Canadian tour with his new book on 1956, Endre Farkas, Hungarian-born Canadian writer also came to read from his works at the University of Debrecen.