
Similarly to previous significant epidemics, the institution places the emphasis on prevention again. Continuous contact is maintained with students from the affected countries. The necessary measures have also been taken in the healthcare institutions of the University of Debrecen.

The experts of the University of Debrecen (UD) dealing with sports sciences will await visitors with the assessment of their locomotor systems, presentations on exercise physiology, and preventive kinematic sessions at the next FőnixFitt.

Learn economics in Debrecen from the best lecturers in Hungary! The Faculty of Economics and Business (GTK) of the University of Debrecen awaits you, now in Szolnok as well, with new degree programmes, competitive degrees and unforgettable university years.

In addition to transferring professional knowledge and skills, the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of the UD also prepares students for the global challenges of the 21st century. The market demand for young professionals with a degree in engineering or science is continually increasing.

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen offers applicants regularly updated educational programmes, 8 bachelor and 8 master courses, and several advanced vocational programmes.

The Goethe Institute is willing to strengthen its relationship with the UD, which has been successful for years – said Evelin Hust, head of the institute during her introductory visit on Monday. The recently appointed director was greeted by Vice Rector Elek Bartha and Dean Róbert Keményfi.

Smart lecture books, high-tech simulation labs, a friendly campus and internationally acknowledged lecturers – these are the main factors that make medical education at UD the best in Hungary.

The highest level of expertise, practice-oriented education and university years packed with memorable experiences – this is what those applying for admission to the Faculty of Dentistry of UD can expect. The 10-semester master course ends with an internationally recognised diploma.

The widest range of degree programmes, the largest freshmen camp, the highest number of foreign students, the most developed infrastructure, the most successful university sports club – it is hard to list all the facts that prove why the University of Debrecen is the best choice.

During the 4-day visit of the delegation of the University of Donghua and in connection with the Chinese initiative ’One Belt, one Road’, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UD have signed a cooperation agreement with two faculties of the Shanghai-based university.

A record number of news appeared about the University of Debrecen in the national and the local press. The number of reports and news items concerning the institute exceeded 18 thousand. The number of visits to the news page of the university reached half a million this year.

The University of Debrecen has improved more than 150 places on the list of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. The university was ranked 202th place on the international list assessing the sustainability of universities made by Universitas Indonesia.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

A two-day, international, Russian language conference was organised at the Russian Centre of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen on 5-6 December, with the title „The artistic language of the contemporary Russian novel”.