
Közösen rendezte az „egy sima-egy fordított” drámafordítói pályázat ünnepélyes díjátadóját a Debreceni Egyetemi Színház (DESzínház), Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város és a Csokonai Színház július 2-án a Csokonai Irodalmi Laborban.

An associate professor of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen has won the Environmental Science Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In her research, Edina Baranyai examined the potential of using old honeys as environmental reconstruction.

The IRONHEART research group of the UD has discovered a new molecule from which a drug can be prepared for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This is one of the outstanding achievements of the now-completed four-year series of research.

Jácint Tökölyi, Associate Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, will get a chance to continue his research on the effects of changing the body size of freshwater cnidarians, conducted in and supported by the framework of MTA Lendület Program.

Due to the high number of graduating students and the restrictions introduced during the pandemic situation, the UD organized its closing ceremony at the Nagyerdei Stadium, like last year. On Saturday, students of four faculties celebrated the end of their university studies.

The Faculty of Humanities of the UD has also been a participant in the NeurotechEU program initiated jointly by eight universities in Europe. Scholars from the faculty conducting research in English language and culture will present the results of their academic efforts at a conference.

Surgeries are safer and take shorter at the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Clinical Centre (KK) of the UD, where one of the best ophthalmic operating microscopes is used equipped with optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging used during surgery and 3-D option.

After a long time, the University of Debrecen was finally able to hold a doctoral inauguration. The leadership of the university conferred Ph D and diplomas in the morning of the 5 June event and habilitation diplomas, as well as Professor Emeritus titles and awards in the afternoon.

EULAR, the European League Against Rheumatism, has elected Zoltán Szekanecz, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the UD. His priority is to efficiently pursuit the interests of rheumatologists, healthcare workers and patients in Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary.

The top representatives of Hungarian pop music are going to be present at this summer’s Campus Fesztivál, which is going to be resurrected between July 21 and 25 after a short break last year due to the pandemic. One of the highlights of the series of events, is going to be Egyetem tér.

Bertalan Farkas has visited the UD recently. The first Hungarian cosmonaut had left the planet Earth behind 41 years ago, on May 26, 1980, taking off from Baikonur, Russia, on board the spaceship Soyuz-36.

Faculty of Music of the UD will be hosting Young Musicians’ Summer Academy for the twentieth time this year. Applications for participation in the traditional music courses are expected to be submitted by students of high schools, colleges and universities as well as from young teachers of music.

Six faculties of UD have requested the prolongation of the current academic year. This opportunity was opted for mostly in the programs of medicine and health sciences and technology and natural sciences. The examination period are planned almost everywhere to be conducted in-person.

Depression, robotic psychology and the vision of cats were discussed, among other things, at a conference on neuroscientific contexts initiated by the University of Debrecen in the framework of NeurotechEU.