
Breastfeeding can play a key role in preventing childhood obesity. This is one of the findings of researchers at the University of Debrecen. In their latest research, they have identified a new mechanism that has a role in childhood obesity. Their findings could help in the prevention and early detection of childhood obesity and the development of new drug therapies.

Representatives of the University of Debrecen and Mansoura University (Egypt) have signed an agreement in the field of agricultural education programs. The agreement was signed recently in Cairo in the presence of Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and János Csák, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation.

In addition to coronary heart disease, heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias, the latest treatment options for comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes and obesity, will be discussed by experts at the 29th Debrecen Cardiology Days, which started on Thursday. Around five hundred cardiologists, nephrologists, diabetologists and general practitioners are attending the meeting at the University of Debrecen.

Several new volumes have been added to the Italianistica Pannonica series of the Italian Studies Department of the Faculty of Humanities (FoH) of the University of Debrecen (UD). These three publications, which discuss common Italian-Hungarian historical events, were presented to the members of a select audience on Thursday at the Library of the Hungarian Institute of Literature and Cultural Studies.

A new type of fluorine-containing compounds chemically related to antitumour and antiviral agents, produced at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Pharmacy, could play a role in the treatment of many serious diseases in the future. The scientific article on this topic was selected as one of the flagship publications of January by the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The Hungarian Neuroimmunological Society has published its latest professional recommendation on the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis. The lead author of the recommendation is Tünde Csépány, Associate Professor at the University of Debrecen, specialist at the Neurology Clinic. By formulating the guidelines, the experts aim to help doctors choose the most effective therapy for their patients.

Students from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen have won second place in the International Medical Students' Championship (MedCup). The students also won two special prizes at the competition held in Brussels on the first and second of March.

One of the most significant scientific achievements of recent years is the recommendation of researchers from the University of Debrecen in one of the world's leading oncology journals, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncolgy. Based on their research results, researchers of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Biology of the Faculty of General Medicine have formulated a recommendation for clinicians on the composition of cell therapy products to be used in organ tumours for more successful treatments.

Leading members of CARPE (Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education) met in Brussels over the weekend. Representing the University of Debrecen, Deputy Rector for Research and Education László Csernoch and Scientific Director Zsolt Varga attended the meeting.

The opening event of CASA 15, an international design competition for students of architecture, was held this year at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen. The participants, around two hundred second-year students of architecture from three different countries, were instructed to design a residential building with community functions located on a specific site in Debrecen. The host institution, the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, was represented by as many as sixty students partaking in the competition.

German Ambassador to Hungary Julia Gross paid her first visit to the University of Debrecen on Wednesday. First, she met with university leaders, then with faculty members and students from the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.

A delegation from the Embassy and Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Vienna has visited the University of Debrecen and discussed the possibilities of increasing the number of Bangladeshi students. The diplomats also visited the university’s Faculty of Engineering.

The Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business of the University of Debrecen has held an international conference of PhD students, sponsored by the university’s Faculty of Economics and Hungary’s Central Bank. Hungarian and foreign students delivered presentations in ten sessions. Gergely Baksay, Managing Director responsible for economic and budget analysis of the Central Bank gave a plenary presentation. The programme included a round table discussion too.

The ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Hungary encouraged scientific and training cooperation between the University of Debrecen and higher education institutions of Cuba. Ambassador Guillermo Vázquez Moreno visited the university’s industrial park in Vezér Street as well.