
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen gave the 2023 Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine to Shimon Sakaguchi, a professor at Osaka University. The professor and his colleagues study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of immunological tolerance and immune regulation. His discoveries could contribute to more effective treatments of autoimmune diseases and cancer. Shimon Sakaguchi received his award on Tuesday at a ceremony held at the University of Debrecen, and then introduced his research findings in his consequent presentation.

The Ambassador of France to Hungary arrived at the University of Debrecen to further strengthen the cooperation between the University of Debrecen and French institutions. The aim of his visit is to link UD's educational and scientific activities with French higher education institutions and companies.

Regő Baráth Benjámin reported on the results of his research on human placental macrophages at the 12th Annual JHAC Research Symposium at the Johns Hopkins University All Children's Hospital in the United States. The sixth-year medical student was the youngest speaker at the congress.

Beijing University of Agriculture and the University of Debrecen continue to broaden the basics of their cooperation. These two institutions have been working together in the field of biological plant protection and pest management for more than two decades, and their joint research and education activities will soon be extended to additional academic fields. The relevant agreement was signed on Thursday by the leaders of the two universities in Debrecen.

Aurelia Giacometto Skipwith, former director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, visited the University of Debrecen to discuss agricultural research and training, as well as ways to increase the number of American students. He also gave a lecture to students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management.

The University of Debrecen has established a new organisational unit for the management of disaster medicine and the operation of mobile medical teams in disaster and war zones, as well as for the management of domestic charitable and support programmes. University leaders informed journalists about the planned tasks and objectives of the centre on Friday.

László Mátyus, Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine at the University of Debrecen, has been re-elected to the Board of the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA). The professor has been active in the organisation for more than two decades. Its main objectives are to improve biophysical research, promote education and support young researchers.

The University of Debrecen has been ranked as the best Hungarian higher education institution in both the natural and social sciences in the Times Higher Education 2024 thematic rankings. The institution has also improved its position in the field of informatics in the list recently published by the renowned British rankings.

The issues discussed at the meeting held in the Rector's Office of the University of Debrecen on Tuesday included points of connection between the health care systems of the University of Debrecen and the University of Tibet, the possibilities of future cooperation and the organization of emergency and cardiovascular care. The Tibetan delegation was received by Zoltán Szabó, Vice Rector and President of the Clinical Centre and Okszána Kiszil, Director of Coordination and Strategy.

The Vietnamese Ambassador to Hungary has discussed cooperation opportunities combining Eastern and European cultures and the possibility of increasing the number of Vietnamese students enrolled at the University of Debrecen. During the course of his visit to Debrecen, Nguyen Thi Bich Thao also met the Vietnamese students studying here.

The “youngest” Austrian library in Hungary, Debreceni Ausztria Könyvtár [Austria Library of Debrecen], celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its opening recently. The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen [DEENK] held a festive symposium on the occasion of this jubilee, where attention was drawn to the colorful cultural offer of the Austrian library's stock and the possibilities of bibliothecas as cultural hubs.

Participants in Hungary’s largest sports conference could get acquainted with the sports ecosystem of the University of Debrecen, which is unique in Hungary, as well as with its extensive sports science trainings and innovations. The experts of our Sports Science Coordination Institute prepared several presentations for this event and even a stand as the only higher education institution to display information there.

Two institutions of higher education located in Shanghai, China, wish to map up cooperation opportunities with the University of Debrecen in the fields of engineering education and research. The delegations also have held talks with the management of the Faculty of Engineering.

The repaired and renovated DASE running track has been inaugurated on Böszörményi úti campus of the University of Debrecen. The upgraded athletics track will be the university's sports education and sports science training venue. The track will be used primarily by students of the Institute for Sports Science Coordination, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management, but it will also be available to the entire university community as well as the citizens of our city.