
During his stay in Debrecen, Markku Virri, outgoing ambassador of Finland to Hungary visited the University of Debrecen, where he was welcomed by Róbert Keményfi, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Sándor Maticsák, head of the Department of Finno-Ugrik Linguistics on Friday.

This summer the University of Debrecen will host the annual course of the Eastern and Central European and Dutch Inter-University Cooperation (COMENIUS), which will be organised for the second time after 2007 by the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen.

As the organisers of the next European University Games, the University of Debrecen and the University of Miskolc will be represented at this year’s EUG, which will be held in Poland in July. Representatives of the two universities have discussed organisational details at UD.

A joint research of the Institute of Botany of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management and the Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine was launched in 2021 with the purpose of finding new ways to increase the yield and quality of corn. Experts involved in the project have recently reported on the results achieved so far at a workshop.

Fifty two Hungarian and international historians presented their recent results in 16 sections at an international conference organised jointly by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Humanities of the U of Debrecen, the Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge – Université de Lorraine Nancy-Metz (France), and the Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), between 22–24 June.

So far over 300 bipolar prostate removals have been performed at the Urology Clinic of the Clinical Centre of UD, where this procedure was first applied in Hungary. Many Hungarian and international specialists study and practice this technique at the Clinic. Most recently, urologists from the Honvéd Hospital and from Serbia attended surgeries as observers.

Graduates from the program in medicine took their oath on Friday at the University of Debrecen. Having completed their course of studies either in Hungarian or in English, more than a hundred and twenty of them received their diplomas at the ceremonial convocation of the Faculty of Medicine.

Soon, the state-of-the-art technology of the 21st century, robotic surgery or robot-assisted surgery, may be used at the Department of Surgery of the University of Debrecen. One of the largest and most significant of the nation’s institutes offering a wide range of surgical procedures celebrated the 100th anniversary of its foundation just last year. However, due to emergency precautions prompted by the pandemic, the centennial celebrations, where a series of asset development and organizational restructuring plans were also officially announced, could be held only now.

An English-language series of publications has been launched jointly by IEAS (Institute of English and American Studies) of the Faculty of Humanities at UD and DUPress (Debrecen University Press). The book launch of the first item in the series called HJEAS Books, Donald E. Morse’s It’s Time: What Living in Time Is Like, was held on Tuesday in DEENK (Debrecen Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár [University and National Library of UD]).

The Section of Chemical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences named a study prepared by Környezeti Kolloidok Kutatócsoport [Environmental Colloids Research Group] of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen “Publication of the month” in May 2022. The study, including the research findings on the interaction of carbon aerogels with water, was published in the prestigious international academic journal Carbon.

Professor Péter Nagy, Chairman of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board of the President of the Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, has recently delivered a lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on research efforts that have the potential to influence the basics of oncology by sorting out the role of cysteine amino acid components. The focus of the research project is the hydrogen sulfide gas molecule responsible for the bad smell of rotten eggs, of which only toxic effects had been noted by scientists for a long time.

The Main Hall of the University of Debrecen hosted the opening concert of the Zoltán Kodály International Music Competition on Friday. At the classical music event the best young string players of the world competed against each other and were ranked by a prestigious international jury.

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen has a new dual partner. According to the cooperation agreement signed by UD and MoD Zrínyi Mapping and Communication Servicing Non-profit Ltd., students of the Institute of Earth Sciences can gain an insight into the up-to-date geographical information systems (GIS) used in the field of national defence.

This weekend the summer series of graduation ceremonies will begin at the University of Debrecen. In the weeks to come, about 4,000 graduates will receive their degrees. The first ceremonies will be held on 17 June, Friday, at 10 am and at 13 am, when students of the Faculty of Economics and Business will graduate at the Cour d’Honneur of the Main Building.