
Birds' brains relative to their body mass have grown larger as a result of evolutionary changes over the past 70 million years, according to research conducted by an international team of scientists who recently published a study of the most comprehensive and detailed family tree of bird species in the journal called Nature. An evolutionary biologist at the University of Debrecen, Tamás Székely, was also involved in the project.

The refurbished premises of the Clinical Physiology Department of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre, Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Clinic, have been opened. The development has further improved the conditions for teaching and research closely related to clinical patient care at the institution.

The University of Debrecen and Indiana State University in the United States discussed the development of academic and mobility partnerships between the two institutions. During his visit on Monday, Diego Morales met with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and students at the University's Faculty of Agriculture.

The University of Debrecen aims to organize a safe and memorable competition, and will host the delegations of the European University Games (EUG) in July in compliance with all international rules and in decent conditions, the organizing committee said at its latest professional meeting.

On almost 800 square metres, 80 exhibitors and more than 2,000 jobs awaited visitors at the largest job fair in the region, held in the Main Building of the University of Debrecen. Supply was excellent this time too, with students not only finding positions, but also internships, volunteering opportunities and scholarships abroad.

The University of Debrecen's Institute of Engineering and Business Innovation (MÜZLI) created a double event: at the Learning Center Podium, László Papp, Head of Gartner's Hungarian and Bulgarian Representation, shared his thoughts on the technological challenges of the age, while at the Alumni Party, MÜZLI's Master Teachers and Leaders discussed their experience and career changes with students.

The University of Bonn, one of Germany's top five higher education institutions, plans to collaborate with the University of Debrecen in research in several disciplines. The two universities are expanding the cooperation started in the NeurotechEU programme, which aims to promote the development of neurosciences and coordinate research; university leaders discussed the expansion of the relationship during a two-day visit to Debrecen.

The Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE) hosted the regional final of the national German language competition "Sprichst du Deutsch" again this year. More than 1400 participants took part in the national competition, organised in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, and the ten best students had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge at Tuesday's event in the Main Building.

Austrian and Polish students and lecturers studied the work of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education and Special Needs Education (GYGYK) at the University of Debrecen within the Erasmus+ BIP programme. During the one-week seminar, they learned about the theoretical and practical background of Hungarian curative, kindergarten and social pedagogy at the Faculty of Education and Social Pedagogy in Hajdúböszörmény and its partner institutions.

On Monday, a hybrid operating theatre opened at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the University of Debrecen, where mainly special cardiac catheter interventions are performed, but it is also suitable for open heart surgery. The state-of-the-art operating theatre was built with a budget of around one billion forints.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University will initiate mobility of teachers, researchers and students, as well as joint training and research projects with the University of Debrecen, according to an agreement signed on Thursday by the rectors of the two institutions. Cigdem Turkyilmaz also visited the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Economics.

Many foreign and Hungarian students of the University of Debrecen wrote their favourite poems on the glass wall of the Life and Natural Sciences Library, UD. This year, the University of Debrecen University and National Library (DEENK) has launched a community initiative to celebrate Poetry Day.

At the invitation of the Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Ragnar Almqvist visited the University of Debrecen and gave a lecture entitled Global Islands: Ireland, Hungary and the European Union. This was the first time the Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary has visited the institution.

The new chamber opera Aldegunda by Péter Zombola, Erkel and Bartók-Pásztory Prize-winning composer and professor at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Music, premiered at Chicago's Jarvis Opera Hall and Prairie State College, with mezzo -soprano Viktória Viziniin the lead role.