
Novel cartilage cell research is underway at the University of Debrecen. It investigates the role of so-called „clock genes” in regulating cartilage tissue formation. The programme has won the Premium postdoctoral research support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The University of Debrecen is to establish a proton therapy institute on the basis of an agreement signed earlier with Rusatom International Network, which is going to be the first step in the cooperation with Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

With the foreign students coming to study at the University of Debrecen now, the number of first years continues to rise. After last years’ 1690, this year, 1925 students have chosen one of the university’s programmes offered in English.

This summer, a large number of students who applied for scholarships have received a grant to attend the course at the Summer University in Debrecen. Almost a hundred students seized the opportunity.

New therapeutic options for atopic eczema are being sought at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology at the University of Debrecen. Research has found that, in the treatment of the frequent skin disease, immunotherapy for hay fever can be effective.

The Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra enjoyed great success at their debut concert in Debrecen. The International Summer Academy of Young Musicians, the traditional summer event of the Music School of the University of Debrecen, was ended with the Tuesday evening concert.

A rich and versatile program of activities, the likes of which have never been seen before, was offered by the University of Debrecen at Campus Festival. There were also concerts, interesting talk shows, and stand-up comedians performing at the festival site called University Square.

Researchers from the University of Debrecen have contributed to introducing a new technology for yielding one component of the parasitic fungus Claviceps paspali. The special active agent is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

How ultrasound testing effects a developing nervous system is the question that scientists of the University of Debrecen try to find answers to in a research project of embryology. Their research findings may even contribute to the therapy of individual neurodegenerative illnesses.

This year, 183 students from as many as 37 different countries have come to Debrecen to learn Hungarian as a foreign language and to familiarize themselves with the culture and history of our country. The 91st academic year of Debrecen Summer School was officially opened with a ceremony.

The new research that deals with a hetherto rarely studied field of the brain can even help in understanding the development of Alzheimer’s Disease. The neuron-glia interaction is examined at the University of Debrecen using a nationally unique method.

The racing car designed by the Faculty of Technology has repeated its result from last year. The DE MK Team finished 29th out of 147 contestants at the Shell Eco-marathon Europe energy efficiency contest held at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Part in London on July 5-8.

More than ever before, about 1000 university students from Hungary and abroad entered into Campus Sports Festival. Students of 26 Hungarian and 17 foreign universities take part in the sports events organised at the University of Debrecen.

At the opening concert of the International Summer Academy of Young Musicians, Tamás Vásáry talked about the milestones in his career and recited compositions linked to those events. The pianist starts work with the Zoltán Kodály Youth World Orchestra this week.