
On 27-28 September, the Faculty of Engineering organised a two-day international conference for Central European university instructors and researchers in the field of building engineering and energetics. Debrecen served as the venue for the International enviBUILD 2018 programme for the first time.

The show celebrating the start of the academic year at UD, which was held at the Nagyerdei Stadium on Wednesday, was a huge success. The yoUDay brought a world-class show, an outstanding community experience, and a record number of spectators.

University of Debrecen has obtained higher points than last year and maintained its position in the Times Higher Education 2019 ranking list. The university has improved in the categories of international activities, research income, research quality and learning environment.

How can economic operators find each other in competitive and leisure sports – this was the topic in the examination of which the University of Debrecen cooperated with Finnish, Dutch, French, German, Polish and Spanish partners. The participants elaborated a joint action plan for decision-makers.

The Coordinating Center for International Education will hold information days for the foreign partners of UD. Participants will hear about academic programmes and life at the university, and will also be invited to the yoUDay.

The series of events celebrating the centenary of the education of medical doctors at UD began with a gala evening. Over the last one hundred years, 14,000 students obtained medical doctor degree at University Debrecen. At the event five major professors of the medical faculty was awarded.

Foreign students who arrived for the autumn semester were greeted with traditional Hungarian food and drinks, as well as with a folk dance show at UD on Friday.

The Faculty of Music of UD is launching a new concert series – the Steinway Piano Evenings offers a special experience by demonstrating the abilities of the world-class instrument of the university. Currently, the faculty offers 6 concert series.

Ecologists of UD have produced surprising results in their research studying the effect of human activities on the dispersal of vegetation. Their presentation was a huge success at the conference of The Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

38 Chinese students from the University of International Studies in Beijing have started a 1-year programme studying Hungarian at the Faculty of Humanities of UD.

Over 50 teachers of the University of Debrecen participated in the teaching methodology training of a special partner of Times Higher Education, one of the most prestigious organisations that provide international ranking lists in higher education. The teachers received their diplomas on Friday.

Over 9,000 freshmen have started the school year at University of Debrecen. The opening senate meeting of the institution took place at Főnix Arena on Sunday. At the event first-year students took an oath, and awards were delivered.

The modern, multifunctional learning center of UD, a 3 billion HUF development, will be completed at the end of 2019. Preparation works started in early September.

Unique, special and monumental, which mobilises the whole university – said the president of DEHÖK about the semester-start arena show of UD. István Ádám Bognár added that the event, which will be held on 26 September, will be unforgettable.