
The new Sports Business & Management and Tennis Centre is supposed to be completed next spring at the Böszörményi campus of the University of Debrecen. The facility serves sports and educational purposes. The foundation stone of the 860 million HUF worth centre was laid on Thursday.

With its educational, research and innovative activities connected to the TE-FOOD food safety and tracking system, the University of Debrecen may become an internationally recognised competency centre. The related agreement was signed by UD and the Laurel Group on 18 October.

The ambassador of Canada gave a lecture at the University of Debrecen. Isabelle Poupart also visited a training of the DEAC ice hokey team, where she met two Canadian players who taught her a few tricks.

A special micro CT was introduced at the University of Debrecen on Wednesday. The machine, which is unique in Hungary, will be used to study bone structures around dental implants, and is able to provide images with resolutions up to 350 nanometre.

With the contribution of the Department of Italian Studies of UD and in the framework of the Week of the Italian Language, DOLCE, the Italian Centre in Debrecen, was opened at the Youth House on Tuesday.

At the SEED House of the Faculty of Economics and Business a specially equipped room, the "Fintelligence Lab" has opened. The objective of the investment is to improve financial awareness with the help of cutting-edge infrastructure.

As guest of honour at the Days of Industry, Ferenc Anisits Hungarian development engineer and honorary lecturer of UD, who developed a diesel engine BMW has used for 30 years, delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Engineering on Friday.

The parties have signed the contracts that support the establishment of a BMW facility in Debrecen at UD. In connection with the development, the Faculty of Engineering at UD will launch new academic programmes.

The connection between the university, the town and industry will be in the focus of a 2-day conference that has begun today at the University of Debrecen. This is the third time the event called The Days of Industry has been organised jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the town.

Along with ten other Hungarian universities, the University of Debrecen has become part of the Higher Education Institutes' Excellence Programme. UD received 250 million HUF for realizing its goals. The programme finances research projects that give priority to the practical use of results.

It is for the 20th time that the International Relations Committee of the Student Government opened the gate wide for students of the University of Debrecen. The slogan of this year’s Mobility Fair, “Take the First Step”, is not accidental.

“I was crying on the stage”, “awesome atmosphere”, “breathtaking technology” – some moving and sincere confessions from musicians Majka, from the frontman of the Abrakazabra, and from Tamás Horváth. Those on the stage also found the stadium show of the University of Debrecen and defining experience.

Kristóf Balázs Sipos, student at the Faculty of Engineering, won a gold medal in mechatronics in the 2018 round of Euroskills held in Budapest. Apart from the website of the university, countless local and national news outlets reported on this outstanding professional success.

DEAC és UniFit-pass, library card or dormitory key, means of payment and a card granting you discounts all in one – the UniPass card, available to the citizens of the University of Debrecen free of charge, now has even more functions.