
On Thursday, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Hungary consulted the leadership of the UD on the issues of educational and research cooperation projects between our university and institutions of higher education in Kazakhstan as well as increasing the number of Kazakh students enrolled at UD.

The practical instruction of aircraft specialization, which is to be launched within the basic program in Vehicle Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the UD, is going to be assisted in the future by the cooperation between our institution and AEROPLEX of Central Europe Ltd.

During the corona virus pandemic MA students Translation Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen translated „Frequently asked questions”, among other things, related to preterm care in cooperation with the My Place Association (Melletted a helyem Egyesület).

Genetic and environmental risk factors underlying diseases primarily responsible for premature death have been identified by experts in the field of public health at the UD as part of a 5-year project that is now nearing completion.

Purchase of equipment, digitization, student-friendly investments, curriculum development – these are the elements, among other things, of the project that will be implemented by the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen using a HUF 305.5-million grant.

Teams from the University of Debrecen took the first six prizes at the joint Russian-Hungarian online competition hosted by Rosatom Central Europe, Paks Nuclear Power Plant of MVM Group and Paks II. Zrt. The awards ceremony of Hackatom was held on Friday in the Aula venue of the UD.

An agreement of cooperation has been signed by the UD and the organization called Debrecen Business Service Centers Roundtable, which coordinates the companies that provide business services in our city.

More than 145 thousand viewers have seen the Jerusalema dance challenge clip of Practice Kindergarten of the UD posted at the largest video sharing website of the world. All the employees working for the Hajdúböszörmény-based institution joined the initiative voluntarily without exception.

International Speaking Skills Program (ISSD), a joint seminar course designed by the Institute of English and American Studies of the UD and US-based Indiana University to support the development of English language skills and linguistic competence has been successfully implemented recently.

Following a pilot phase, the website, launched at the beginning of 2021 by the radio station of the UD, FM90 Campus Rádió, is now available for the public in a “normal operation mode.” A significant portion of the current webpage content is with a focus on the university.

On April 22, an conference was organised by the Institute of Germanic Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the UD and the German Cultural Forum in Debrecen. The online event focused on the challenges posed by the pandemic that translators and teachers involved in translation training have faced.

Apart from the Hungarian students, a number of international students of Faculty of Engineering at the UD (DE MK) also participated in the competition Engineering Science Section of National Scientific Student Circle Conference (OTDK).

Having moved a hundred and seventy notches, the University of Debrecen is now ranked among the best 400 institutions of higher education in the world according to the most recently published rankings issued by Round University Ranking (RUR).

The University of Debrecen is currently placed among the top 100 in the Good Health and Wellbeing as well as in the Life Below Water whereas as a Hungarian university, it is ranked 101-200 in the Quality Education category on the most recent list of Impact Ranking, Times Higher Education (THE).