Hírek Rector címkével

On Thursday, rector Zoltán Szilvássy and a Chinese representative talked about the most recent technologies in the construction industry, and potential partnership in the fields of health industry and medicine. The subject of a vaccine against the corona virus also came up at the meeting.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary has hosted an online scientific conference on the current status of R&D related to the protection from the spread of COVID-19. At the conference, Rector Zoltán Szilvássy gave a presentation on the developments currently underway at the UD.

Supported by the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), the University of Debrecen (UD) and the National Public Health Centre have agreed to promote creation of up-to-date vaccine production in Hungary. The agreement was signed in the Ministry on Friday.

With its 44th position in the Good Health and Wellbeing category the University of Debrecen has ranked the best Hungarian university, also ranking among the best among the world’s universities in three other categories on the most recent list of Times Higher Education (THE).

GE Reports has recently published an account of the European application of a special methodology developed by the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology and called Catalyst, as well as of the role of the University of Debrecen and GE Healthcare in the relevant program.

Similarly to previous significant epidemics, the institution places the emphasis on prevention again. Continuous contact is maintained with students from the affected countries. The necessary measures have also been taken in the healthcare institutions of the University of Debrecen.

The European Commissions’s delegation was informed on the utilisation of EU Structural and Investment Funds, research and development investments by the University of Debrecen on wednesday.

Chinese language teaching and promotion of Chinese culture – these are the main goals of the Confucius Institute established at the UD. The institution was set up in a cultural and educational cooperation of UD and the Chinese Tianjin Foreign Language University, and it was opened on Friday.

The University of Debrecen and the Budapest headquarters of GE Healthcare have been given an opportunity to participate in the introduction and implementation in Europe of the methodology of the Catalyst programmme of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In his address delivered at the signing of the site purchase contract for the future Debrecen location of the German automotive giant, László Palkovics noted the role of the UD in the investment. Minister for Innovation and Technology, also underlined the upgrading the university’s programs.

The first year students took oaths at the Senate meeting opening the academic year at the University of Debrecen staged in the Főnix Sports Hall on Sunday. The event was opened with Mihály Varga, minister of finance, emphasising universities’ role in research development and innovation.

The University of Debrecen has received a plaque award for cooperation at the Chinese (Fujian)-Hungarin Economic and Trade Conference. The plaque says that UD cooperates with the Cinese Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College.

On the Sunday News radio programme Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen spoke about the economic development of the university in connection with the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the Transit Route Via Carpatia.

The University of Debrecen and the Hungarian Research Institute have embarked on research in the fields of ethnography, history, archeogenetics, and religion history. The cooperation agreement was signed by rector Zoltán Szilvássy and the director general.

The Hungarian Government supports the development of the technical education of the University of Debrecen with close to 20 billion forints. According to plans, vehicle engineering training can start by September 2020, with aviation engineering as a major included.

A stategic cooperation agreement has been signed by the University of Debrecen and the Chinese Morgan Star Group to increase the number of Chinese students and on issues concerning education, research and economic development.

Arieh Warshel, a worlwide-renowned biochemist, has been the first to win the University of Debrecen Science Impact Award (uDEsia) of UD. The Nobel Prize laureate researcher received the award from rector Zoltán Szilvássy on 29 March.

UD has decided that the University of Debrecen Science Impact Award will go to biochemist Arieh Warshel this year. The Nobel Prize laureate professor, who has been working with researchers at UD for years, will receive the award from rector Zoltán Szilvássy on Friday.

A ceremonial Senate meeting was held at the University of Debrecen on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of the Revolution and War of Independence of 1848/49. An honorary doctoral degree was awarded at the event to György Matolcsy, governor of the Central Bank of Hungary.

A cooperation agreement including the support of research and development as well as the offering of company-specific modules to UD students was signed on Friday by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy on behalf of the University of Debrecen and Managing Director Lukas Juranek on behalf of Continental.

Extending its existing cluster network further, the University of Debrecen aims at cross-border cooperation. The networking efforts may also contribute to regional economic development. These were some of the topics discussed at the three-day international conference recently held in Debrecen.

The new Sports Business & Management and Tennis Centre is supposed to be completed next spring at the Böszörményi campus of the University of Debrecen. The facility serves sports and educational purposes. The foundation stone of the 860 million HUF worth centre was laid on Thursday.

With its educational, research and innovative activities connected to the TE-FOOD food safety and tracking system, the University of Debrecen may become an internationally recognised competency centre. The related agreement was signed by UD and the Laurel Group on 18 October.

At the SEED House of the Faculty of Economics and Business a specially equipped room, the "Fintelligence Lab" has opened. The objective of the investment is to improve financial awareness with the help of cutting-edge infrastructure.

Over 9,000 freshmen have started the school year at University of Debrecen. The opening senate meeting of the institution took place at Főnix Arena on Sunday. At the event first-year students took an oath, and awards were delivered.