Hírek Institutional címkével

The University of Debrecen has moved up more than 200 positions in the RUR 2020 Natural Sciences ranking list. As the best Hungarian university, UD is now among the first 300 higher education institutions. The organisation evaluates 711 universities around the world every year.

The fountain in front of the main building of UD operates again. In summer, the spectacular waterworks is the central sight of the park in front of the main building, which is more than 100 metres wide.

The UD has achieved the best position in the QS ranking list since 2014. This year, UD has stepped up more than 100 positions, and has become one of the best 530 higher education institutions. As usual, UD has finished best in the category of foreign students, taking the 116th position.

“Egészségügyi Innovációs Szemle” (Innovation in Healthcare) – this is the title of a new magazine launched jointly by the faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD. The quarterly journal will focus on the newest achievements in the fields of medicine and health science.

The Faculty of Public Health of the UD has joined the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). The objective of this international organisation is to improve the health status of European citizens and reduce inequalities in this field through the cooperation of member organisations.

On Thursday, rector Zoltán Szilvássy and a Chinese representative talked about the most recent technologies in the construction industry, and potential partnership in the fields of health industry and medicine. The subject of a vaccine against the corona virus also came up at the meeting.

This year again, the semester-opening show will be held to present everyone with fun and great experiences. The list of performers includes the Tankcsapda, the Bagossy Brothers Company and Republic. The event will take place at the Stadium on 16 September.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary has hosted an online scientific conference on the current status of R&D related to the protection from the spread of COVID-19. At the conference, Rector Zoltán Szilvássy gave a presentation on the developments currently underway at the UD.

Supported by the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), the University of Debrecen (UD) and the National Public Health Centre have agreed to promote creation of up-to-date vaccine production in Hungary. The agreement was signed in the Ministry on Friday.

With its 44th position in the Good Health and Wellbeing category the University of Debrecen has ranked the best Hungarian university, also ranking among the best among the world’s universities in three other categories on the most recent list of Times Higher Education (THE).

The coronavirus pandemic has created an unusual, new life situation for many. Telecommuting, e-learning and time spent together at home have all received new meaning. The head of the Department of Clinical and Personality Psychology at the University of Debrecen shared some useful advice.

The UD continues to be one of the most popular higher education institutions of Hungary. In comparison with last year’s admissions, there was a more than 10 percent increase in the number of applicants indicating the university as their first choice.

An Operative Steering Group has been established at UD. Official travel of the university’s employees to regions deemed risk areas been suspended, Students who have visited affected regions and have come back within 3 weeks, as well as sick students, have been asked to stay at home.

Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, Ambassador of Israel to Hungary, was received by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Elek Bartha on the occasion of the former’s first visit to Debrecen, and they discussed potential cooperation possibilities in the fields of the economy and education.

An excellent player of the women’s handball team of DVSC, Ms. Petra Tóvizi, will be participating in the qualification rounds of the Olympic games as a student. At the same time, László Balogh, sport scientist at the UD, will be taking care of the mental preparation of the women’s handball team.

GE Reports has recently published an account of the European application of a special methodology developed by the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology and called Catalyst, as well as of the role of the University of Debrecen and GE Healthcare in the relevant program.

After the Hungarian, the English version of the unique healthcare application of the UD has also become available for downloading. Via the UD Mediversity app, foreign patients can now use the telephone directory, as well as search for specialised outpatient clinics and physicians.

Letter from the University of Debrecen to foreign students on coronavirus.

Similarly to previous significant epidemics, the institution places the emphasis on prevention again. Continuous contact is maintained with students from the affected countries. The necessary measures have also been taken in the healthcare institutions of the University of Debrecen.

The widest range of degree programmes, the largest freshmen camp, the highest number of foreign students, the most developed infrastructure, the most successful university sports club – it is hard to list all the facts that prove why the University of Debrecen is the best choice.

A record number of news appeared about the University of Debrecen in the national and the local press. The number of reports and news items concerning the institute exceeded 18 thousand. The number of visits to the news page of the university reached half a million this year.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

The University of Debrecen has improved its results in several areas on the university rankings. The performance of UD has improved not only among the universities in Hungary but also among international institutions, as a result of a conscious strategy plan.

The European Commissions’s delegation was informed on the utilisation of EU Structural and Investment Funds, research and development investments by the University of Debrecen on wednesday.