
As the experts at the summit of NeurotechEU (which was held in Turkey, and where the University of Debrecen was also present) concluded, artificial intelligence and robotics would definitely bring about huge changes that we are not yet fully prepared for.

Spectacular satellite and thermal imagery made Friday's lecture on volcanoes in Italy a special treat, given by volcanologist Sonia Calvari, Research Director of Etna Observatory of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Catania), to students of the University of Debrecen and secondary school students from Debrecen who Italian as a foreign language.

Literary translation was in the focus of the annual conference of Hungarian Nederlandists named Studiedag van neerlandici in Hongarije – Vertalen, which was hosted this year by the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen.

Professor László Csernoch, Deputy Rector of the University of Debrecen and Director of the Institute of Physiology of the Faculty of General Medicine, was elected as member of the Executive Board of the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS) at its September meeting in Tallinn.

Topics such as why cryptocurrency regulations are necessary in Bosnia and Herzegovina and how police training takes place in the Republic of Serbia were featured among others to be discussed at the international meeting for law professors and legal practitioners held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen on Friday. In addition to the representatives of the hosting institution, some faculties of law from universities in neighboring countries also had a chance to present themselves at the event, the official language of which was English.

Roman Czaja, a professor and department head at Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika in Toruń, who is also an honorary doctor of the University of Debrecen, was the first lecturer to deliver a presentation on Wednesday in the framework of the international lecture series launched by the research group Magyar Kutatási Hálózat-Debreceni Egyetem: „Középkori Magyarország és Közép-Európa Hadtörténete” [Hungarian Research Network-University of Debrecen: "Military History of Medieval Hungary and Central Europe."

Joining the initiative of the European Day of Languages, the University of Debrecen held a series of programs by the title Európai Nyelvi Koktélbár [verbatim: European Language Cocktail Bar] again this year. On Tuesday, almost 600 high school students could take a playful virtual trip to “visit” European countries in the Inner Courtyard of the Main Building of UD.

Astana IT University and a Kazakh clinical network are searching for opportunities to cooperate with the University of Debrecen in the field of dual degree system and medical education. The delegation that arrived on Tuesday also visited the Centre for International Education Coordination and the Faculty of General Medicine.

The University of Debrecen is among the top 800 institutions of higher education in the latest rankings of Times Higher Education. More than 1,900 higher education institutions from 28,000 universities around the world were ranked in THE World University Rankings 2024, published on Wednesday. The ranking is based on their teaching and research activities, international reputation, industrial income and patents.

As many as 159 graduating students of the Faculty of Medicine took their Hippocratic Oath on Saturday at a ceremony held within our university's Inner Courtyard. At the ceremonial council meeting of the doctoral ceremony, 90 Hungarian and 69 foreign doctors received their diplomas.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen have developed several new methods in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases including and similar to ammonia and methane produced on livestock farms. As it was revealed on Thursday at the institution's Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management (DE MÉK), the practical introduction and application of these methods is to be supported by the Hungarian state.

More participants than ever before welcomed the most recent academic year at the seventh yoUDay stadium show hosted by the University of Debrecen. As many as 23,000 people were partying together at the event, which is unique in Europe and where singers and musicians like Dzsúdló, Valmar, György Korda and Klári Balázs performed, among others.

In the framework of the HUNOR - Hungarian Astronaut Program, researchers from the University of Debrecen are working on the development of systems for food production in long-duration space missions. Experts from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management are working with indigenous, home-bred pepper varieties to enable astronauts to grow and eat fresh, juicy and crunchy vegetables with zero emission during space missions.

In keeping with tradition, on Thursday, the International Office of the University of Debrecen and the Student Committee for Foreign Affairs of the institution welcomed 130 students from 21 countries who had arrived in the framework of the Erasmus scholarship program with a Welcome Dinner in the Main Building's Lobby.