Legal experts share their experience and learn from one another

Topics such as why cryptocurrency regulations are necessary in Bosnia and Herzegovina and how police training takes place in the Republic of Serbia were featured among others to be discussed at the international meeting for law professors and legal practitioners held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen on Friday. In addition to the representatives of the hosting institution, some faculties of law from universities in neighboring countries also had a chance to present themselves at the event, the official language of which was English.

At the conference, it was announced that, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen (DE ÁJK), almost 2,400 students are currently enrolled, who are the recipients of top-quality education complemented by modern e-learning training and program solutions in all of the related departments. The Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen has established extensive international relations, including partnerships in research and education activities with the member states of the European Union as well as in Asia and the United States. For example, their increasingly dynamic English-language program offers mentor assistance, but they also advertise internships and career-oriented programs.

“Since its re-establishment in 1996, the Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen has become one of the leading legal training institutions in Hungary. Among law faculties outside the capital city of Budapest, it is ranked first based on several measurement indicators, such as student excellence for example,” said the Deputy Dean for Development and External Relations of the University of Debrecen.


Tamás Fézer explained that, at present, there are three Hungarian-language graduate courses available at the Faculty. The five-year undivided legal training program fully complies with the legal requirements of both Hungary and the European Union. In it, special attention is devoted to recent and modern areas of law such as IT law, intellectual property law and e-commerce law. With the involvement of leading judicial and public administration professionals from our region, it prepares students for labor market challenges in Hungary and abroad. The three-year Bachelor of Science in Justice Administration program is becoming more and more popular in Hungary as well. This program offers training to professionals with experience in legal matters who are in demand by both the private and public sectors and who prepare the work of lawyers efficiently in order to assist them in making decisions in specific cases.

“DE AJK also prepares students in a two-year legal assistant higher education vocational training program, who primarily acquire practical knowledge and become capable of performing organizational and administrative tasks. In 2014, our faculty expanded its training portfolio to include the program in English-Language European and International Business Law. This latter program provides special knowledge in fields typically sought after even in Western Europe to full-time international students and Hungarian students participating in correspondence courses,” said Tamás Fézer.

The Deputy Dean for Development and External Relations of the Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen added that doctoral training programs are also available at the Faculty both in Hungarian and in English, which offer the possibility of earning a Ph.D. degree through the transfer of scholarly-scientific methodological knowledge and the involvement of supervisors assigned to the doctoral candidates. In addition, there are certain post-graduate programs that are available not only to lawyers or legal experts. These cover the fields of real estate law, alternative dispute resolution, financial market law, HR and forensic science.

At the international meeting for law professors and legal practitioners, several experts from selected foreign universities also delivered presentations on their educational and research activities, academic achievements as well as their plans and goals for the future.

Among others, the representatives of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, the Faculty of Law of the University of Oradea and the University of Vaasa, Finland, gave talks on a variety of legal issues. A lecturer from the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law at PIM Banja Luka University, elaborated on why it is necessary to regulate cryptocurrencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while it was also explained in detail how police training takes place in the Republic of Serbia. The last speaker, Associate Professor of DE ÁJK Zsolt Hajnal, discussed the key points and challenges present in consumer law research at the UD Faculty of Law.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for participants to share their ideas related to the development of talent management in legal higher education and specific legal training programs. In addition, the organizers also gave a chance to researchers and students pursuing doctoral studies to hold short presentations.

The conference was held within the framework of the initiative called "Programs aimed at raising the quality of legal training," supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Justice.

According to the plans of the leaders of DE ÁJK, this kind of international jurists' meeting will be held annually at the University of Debrecen in the future.

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