Hírek Higher education címkével

As a result of the general admission procedure, a total of 6,502 first-year students can start their studies from September in the Hungarian-language programmes of the University of Debrecen. The number of students admitted in 2022, including additional admissions, students from abroad, as well as those admitted to the English-language courses, is expected to reach 10,000 by September.

The organising committee responsible for the events of the 2024 European University Games (EUG) that will take place in Debrecen held its meeting in Mád. At the event specific organisational tasks and their owners were identified, and the preparation of the feasibility study began. The Games will be preceded by high-level international competitions at the University of Debrecen next year.

The Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen has established a special research and education oriented organizational unit with the Hungarian subsidiary of one of the fastest-growing software engineering companies in the world, EPAM Systems Inc. The objective of the relevant agreement is to facilitate the integration of international market expertise and up-to-date technological knowledge into the channels of education.

The audience gave a standing ovation to the international students of the University of Debrecen who performed the musical Hair at UD’s theatre at the Böszörményi Street on Saturday evening. At the event a new 60sqm LED wall was also introduced, which complemented the theatrical experience with spectacular visual content.

The University of Debrecen is further strengthening its cooperation based on knowledge transfer with Uzbekistan. Rector Zoltán Szilvássy, held talks with Ambassador Abat Fayzullaev on education and R&D cooperation in the fields of pharmaceutical science and industry, as well as agricultural science.

The Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen offers courses to prepare students for Microsoft’s cloud-based artificial intelligence and Azure international industry certification exams. The courses, which are available both in English and in Hungarian, will help students to successfully complete these competitive international exams.

Mr. Gunnar Saeter, professor of the Center for Comprehensive Oncology at the University Clinic of Oslo (N), and a member of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board (TTTT), which assists the work of the Chairperson of the Board of the Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, visited the University on Friday. The Norwegian professor gave a presentation on some new opportunities in cancer research.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates agreed on upgrading the support system of young researchers at the University of Debrecen. At the event the infrastructural development projects completed in the last 5 years to the value of HUF 8 billion were presented, and deputy state secretary Balázs Hankó talked about further opportunities.

Visitors of the Puskás Day, organised at the Hungarian Pavilion of the Dubai World Expo, were able to familiarize themselves with the innovative sports strategy and sports infrastructural and sport economic developments of the University of Debrecen, and with the organisational structure, operational model and achievements of DEAC.

The building of the new Learning Center is going to be available for use by the students of the University of Debrecen as of Monday. The multifunctional, state-of-the-art, triangular building, situated between the Main Building of the university and the sports facilities of DEAC [Debreceni Egyetemi Atlétikai Club – UD Athletic Club] next to Dóczy utca, is primarily meant to host and facilitate individual and group-based learning activities.

Nobel Prize-winning American scientist and pharmacologist Louis Joseph Ignarro, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of the physiological effects of nitric oxide, as well as members of the Nobel Prize Committee, professors from renowned foreign universities, Hungarian academicians, university professors, the former rector of the University of Debrecen and a number of internationally renowned experts have accepted the invitation to become members of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board established for the further development of the University of Debrecen.

At its meeting held on 9 December 2021, the Senate of the University of Debrecen made a decision regarding the preferred candidate for the position of Rector. The Senate recommended the appointment of Zoltán Szilvássy as Rector by the Board of Trustees of the foundation maintaining the university. The Senate also made decisions about the launch of new courses, business partnerships, and the amendment of several regulations.

Partners of the University of Debrecen are to present their research projects planned for the next seven-year economic cycle of the European Union and their possibilities for cooperation at the 2021 conference of the university network of applied sciences hosted in Debrecen between October 27 and 29

The University of Debrecen actively supports the activities of the recently established Jewish Scientific and Cultural Research Institute in Debrecen, stressed Elek Bartha, UD’s Vice-Rector for Education, at the organisation's partnership meeting.

Deputy Rector Elek Bartha represented the University of Debrecen at a meeting organized for the leaders of the universities participating in the NeurotechEU project in early October in Germany. The initiative was also joined by the European campus of an American institution.

Mobility, study abroad and internship opportunities were presented to the students of the University of Debrecen at the Foreign Exchange on the #ErasmusDays in the cloister of the Main Building. This year's exchange focused on the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + programme.

Three years from now, the University of Debrecen will host the European University Games in ten sports and thousands of athletes. At the press conference held after the meeting of the organising committee it was revealed that never before had a sport event of this scale been organised in Hungary.

Levente Tóth, final-year student of the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen has achieved an outstanding result at an international online percussion competition. He has won the 21st Century Talents Percussion Competition, based in Ottawa.

“The state has not released the hands of the universities, and in fact it provides more resources than ever before,” emphasized László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology, at the opening ceremony of the UD in the Nagyerdei Stadium. Approximately 10000 freshers are starting the new year.

This year again, a one-of-a-kind, exclusive show will mark the beginning of the academic year at the University of Debrecen. Offering varied and unforgettable memories, yoUDay will be held at the Nagyerdei Stadium on 15 September. Tickets are already available.

The leaders of the University of Debrecen met with the delegation of three higher education institutions in Uzbekistan to discuss the experiences of pharmaceutical and agricultural education in Debrecen and the establishment of a Hungarian-Uzbek joint degree programme in these fields.

Among universities in Hungary, UD has been one of the most popular choices of students taking supplementary entrance examinations. A total of more than nine hundred applications have been received for admission to as many as 86 programs.

Faculty of Music of the UD hosted Young Musicians’ Summer Academy for the twentieth time this year. There were as many as 170 participants from sixteen different countries at the traditional music course event, which was crowned with several concerts performed by Zoltán Kodály World Youth Orchestra.

Uzbekistan is counting on the knowledge base of the University of Debrecen in the fields of agriculture and water management, medicine and technical sciences. The details were discussed by Endre Harsányi, Vice-Rector for Agricultural Innovation and Training Development.

After the general application procedure, as many as 6958 first-year students will be able to start their university studies in the Hungarian-language programs of the UD as of September 2021.