Hírek Higher education címkével

This was the third, and final closing ceremony held by the University of Debrecen in the Nagyerdei Stadium. Saturday saw the farewells of graduates of the Faculty of Health, Dentistry, Child Education and Special Education, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Engineering and Public Health.

Six faculties of UD have requested the prolongation of the current academic year. This opportunity was opted for mostly in the programs of medicine and health sciences and technology and natural sciences. The examination period are planned almost everywhere to be conducted in-person.

An agreement of cooperation has been signed by the UD and the organization called Debrecen Business Service Centers Roundtable, which coordinates the companies that provide business services in our city.

The NeurotechEU project is looking for partners in their quest to solve problems of neurosciences. Researchers and companies interested in developing new industrial solutions and technologies can contact the project’s personnel by completing a questionnaire.

Institute of History UD has recently received a prestigious series of books compiled and written on the history of the Catholic religious order named Deutscher Orden, also known as the Teutonic Order.

According to data available on the general application procedure to institutions of higher education, the number of applicants who wish to study at the University of Debrecen surpassed not only last year’s figures but also the national average.

More than 1 million forints has been offered to the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology by International Students’ Union, part of the student government of the University of Debrecen. They have allocated part of the proceeds of last year’s International Food Day to buy two patient beds.

Many of the teachers, researchers and students of the University of Debrecen followed the online opening event of NeurotechEU, a university association comprised of leading universities from eight countries, established for the development of neuroscience

In cooperation with leading universities from seven countries, the University of Debrecen has established a consortium for the development of neuroscience. The opening ceremony of NeurotechEU will be held on Wednesday with about a thousand participants.

The University of Debrecen has launched a mental support service for its foreign students, based at the School of Public Health of the Faculty of Public Health. The faculty works together with the Mental Health Centre, which will be responsible for the coordination of the services provided.

Complying with the pandemic-related rules, and with the number of visitors optimised, the fitness centre of UD awaits students who need to attend PE classes and those who just want to do some physical exercise. A simple negative air pressure system has also been installed in the facility.

With 884 applications submitted for 986 places, this year UD has proved to be the most popular university in the second round of entrance exams. The number of successful applicants will be announced at the end of August.

In September, following standard admission procedure, 6,127 freshmen will start their studies on the Hungarian courses of the UD. After the second procedure and the entrance examination organized for people living over the border outside of Hungary, the number of students admitted may exceed 9,000.

Graduating students of the University of Debrecen received their diplomas this year in Nagyerdei Stadion. The celebration of the completion of their studies took place in front of a crowd of several thousand spectators on the arena floor of the state-of-the-art sports facility of Debrecen.

The series of events of the University of Debrecen, called Erasmus Days, has been recognized in the mobilityStar category of STARaward, a programme organized by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The objective of the programme is to reward the best university programmes, and present them as examples

The personality of students determines how they are able to stand up to the heat in an emergency situation like the one that we are experiencing these days. At the Faculty of Health, students learn techniques that allow them to respond quickly and properly in any situation.

The UD continues to be one of the most popular higher education institutions of Hungary. In comparison with last year’s admissions, there was a more than 10 percent increase in the number of applicants indicating the university as their first choice.

The first year students took oaths at the Senate meeting opening the academic year at the University of Debrecen staged in the Főnix Sports Hall on Sunday. The event was opened with Mihály Varga, minister of finance, emphasising universities’ role in research development and innovation.

The University of Debrecen has been ranked in the top 4% by the Center for World University Rankings, which measures the performance of 20.000 institutions of higher education worldwide. The university was ranked 724 on the CWUR Ranking List published Monday.

As a result of the general application procedure, 7420 first-year students can start their university studies in the Hungarian language trainings of the UD, 12 % up from last year. the number of all students admitted to the university during this calendar year has reached ten thousand.

Outsourced training will be started by the University of Debrecen at the Partium Christian University in mechanical engineering and rural development engineering at a bachelor’s level and specialised studies further training.

The University of Debrecen intends to improve the quality of its English-Language Programs with the help of international consultants to a level that is even higher than the current one. For this reason, experts from Higher Education Academy paid a visit to our institution at the end of April.

Launching an undergraduate program in digital dentistry is planned by the 15 years old Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Debrecen, which would be unique in the whole of Europe. This information was released at the press conference of 19th Debrecen Days of Dentistry on Wednesday.

Twenty participants, including language teachers, translators, interpreters, and literary translators have come to the University of Debrecen to exchange views on their special fields of expertise. The objective of the two-day Magyar-Lengyel Nyelvi Fórum [Hungarian-Polish Language Forum] is to help

The University of Debrecen is the leading Hungarian institution of higher education in the category of the proportion of international students. Our institution has managed to retain its former favorable position in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) world rankings, released for 2018.