Hírek Faculty of Humanities címkével

International Speaking Skills Program (ISSD), a joint seminar course designed by the Institute of English and American Studies of the UD and US-based Indiana University to support the development of English language skills and linguistic competence has been successfully implemented recently.

On April 22, an conference was organised by the Institute of Germanic Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the UD and the German Cultural Forum in Debrecen. The online event focused on the challenges posed by the pandemic that translators and teachers involved in translation training have faced.

As a results of the gradual relaxation of covid protection measures DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) provides the opportunity to borrow books again in a limited way from 8 April again in all its units.

Institute of History UD has recently received a prestigious series of books compiled and written on the history of the Catholic religious order named Deutscher Orden, also known as the Teutonic Order.

The Institute of English and American Studies of the UD and Indiana University, USA, will launch a joint Hungarian-American virtual language learning program and linguistic research seminar in the spring. The program involves 37 first-year, undergraduate, teaching major and master students.

On the occasion of the centenary, a new volume of studies on Trianon has been published by the Institute of History, of the Faculty of Arts, UD. In addition to experts of UD, the Institute’s foreign partners also contributed to the volume.

An exhibition of works by 39 artists from the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts was opened on February 12 in Debrecen, in the shop window at Piac Street, as part of the Chinese Spring Festival. The exhibition was organized by the UD’s Confucius Institute, Tianjin Foreign Studies University and the city.

Many of the teachers, researchers and students of the University of Debrecen followed the online opening event of NeurotechEU, a university association comprised of leading universities from eight countries, established for the development of neuroscience

Students of the Faculty of Humanities who have successfully applied for the dual programme in the academic year 2020/2021 can obtain a degree from the University of Florence and the University of Debrecen at the same time.

High-school teachers learned about local multinational companies and workplace environment in the service sector at a workshop organised jointly by the University of Debrecen and the Debrecen BSC roundtable.

Graduating students of the University of Debrecen received their diplomas this year in Nagyerdei Stadion. The celebration of the completion of their studies took place in front of a crowd of several thousand spectators on the arena floor of the state-of-the-art sports facility of Debrecen.

In cooperation with the “Melletted a helyem” organisation, the students of UD studying translation at the Faculty of Humanities translated the FAQ related to the care of premature babies during the COVID-19 epidemic.

The coronavirus pandemic has created an unusual, new life situation for many. Telecommuting, e-learning and time spent together at home have all received new meaning. The head of the Department of Clinical and Personality Psychology at the University of Debrecen shared some useful advice.

An Operative Steering Group has been established at UD. Official travel of the university’s employees to regions deemed risk areas been suspended, Students who have visited affected regions and have come back within 3 weeks, as well as sick students, have been asked to stay at home.

Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, Ambassador of Israel to Hungary, was received by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Elek Bartha on the occasion of the former’s first visit to Debrecen, and they discussed potential cooperation possibilities in the fields of the economy and education.

A partial ban on visitors has been introduced as of Friday at Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen because of the flu epidemic and in the interest of the patients. As regards Gyula Kenézy University Hospital, the restrictions continue to be in effect.

The Institute of German Studies of the UD, together with ITSH and Debrecen’s German Cultural Forum, jointly hosted the finals of a German-language competition for high-school students on Wednesday, February 5, as part of the campaign called Deutsch.Karriere.Erfolg.

The Goethe Institute is willing to strengthen its relationship with the UD, which has been successful for years – said Evelin Hust, head of the institute during her introductory visit on Monday. The recently appointed director was greeted by Vice Rector Elek Bartha and Dean Róbert Keményfi.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

A two-day, international, Russian language conference was organised at the Russian Centre of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen on 5-6 December, with the title „The artistic language of the contemporary Russian novel”.

Chinese language teaching and promotion of Chinese culture – these are the main goals of the Confucius Institute established at the UD. The institution was set up in a cultural and educational cooperation of UD and the Chinese Tianjin Foreign Language University, and it was opened on Friday.

The Social Sciences programmes of the University of Debrecen are among the best in the world. On the latest disciplinary ranking of Times Higher Education the University of Debrecen was ranked within the category of 301-400th places.