Hírek Faculty of Humanities címkével

DESzínház Vígkarma Társulat (Theatrical Company), which operates in professional partnership with the Arts Center of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen, represented Hungary at the AMAfest in Stuttgart with its English-language theater performance.

Former Consul General of Hungary in Shanghai Levente Horváth gave a presentation titled “Chinese Geopolitical Notions” combined with a book launch on Thursday as part of the Confucius Institute’s Lectures on Chinese Culture course offered at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen (UD).

The development possibilities of public services related to health and well-being were discussed at the joint professional-scholarly-scientific conference of the University of Debrecen and the European Economic and Social Committee. The experts of the European Union’s advisory organization have set themselves the goal of developing recommendations in support of the EU’s professional policy by using the experiences gained concerning the pandemic with the involvement of civil society and non-governmental organizations.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of UD celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with an exhibition of Chinese artworks. Tea ceremony and traditional mooncake awaited visitors at the event, where new teachers of the Institute were also introduced.

After a gap of two years due to the pandemic, the Summer School at the University of Debrecen has organised its traditional Hungarian-language in-person courses with 108 participants coming from 35 countries. In addition to language classes, students participate in language improvement, conversation, sports and cultural programs between 18 July and 12 August.

During his stay in Debrecen, Markku Virri, outgoing ambassador of Finland to Hungary visited the University of Debrecen, where he was welcomed by Róbert Keményfi, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Sándor Maticsák, head of the Department of Finno-Ugrik Linguistics on Friday.

This summer the University of Debrecen will host the annual course of the Eastern and Central European and Dutch Inter-University Cooperation (COMENIUS), which will be organised for the second time after 2007 by the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen.

Fifty two Hungarian and international historians presented their recent results in 16 sections at an international conference organised jointly by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Humanities of the U of Debrecen, the Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge – Université de Lorraine Nancy-Metz (France), and the Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), between 22–24 June.

An English-language series of publications has been launched jointly by IEAS (Institute of English and American Studies) of the Faculty of Humanities at UD and DUPress (Debrecen University Press). The book launch of the first item in the series called HJEAS Books, Donald E. Morse’s It’s Time: What Living in Time Is Like, was held on Tuesday in DEENK (Debrecen Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár [University and National Library of UD]).

This weekend the summer series of graduation ceremonies will begin at the University of Debrecen. In the weeks to come, about 4,000 graduates will receive their degrees. The first ceremonies will be held on 17 June, Friday, at 10 am and at 13 am, when students of the Faculty of Economics and Business will graduate at the Cour d’Honneur of the Main Building.

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen released the first Chinese students who completed the Hungarian-language BA course in Hungarian language and literature at the speech day event held in the Main Building of UD on Friday. The 12 Chinese graduates started their studies in Debrecen three years ago within the framework of an international educational programme.

Young Hwi Kim from South Korea, a student of the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and trumpet Master of Music student of the Faculty of Music has won the country final of the Chinese Bridge Competition, which took place online on 27 May, organised by the Confucius Institute of the University of Szeged with the support of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary.

On Saturday, a ceremony was held in the Hall of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen, where research degrees and honorary titles were awarded. At the event 96 new doctors representing 5 areas of science received their degrees, and the Habilitation, Professor Emeritus, Civis honoris causa and Doctor honoris causa titles were also awarded.

This year the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of UD will host the online conference of the Commission for Eastern and Central European and Dutch Inter-University Cooperation (COMENIUS). Eleven countries will be represented at the event that will take place on 26-27 May.

The International Speaking Skills Development Program, which was organised for the second time jointly by the Institute of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of UD and the Indiana University Bloomington (US), has been closed successfully.

Kinga Boros from Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania, won the literary translation contest of drama texts called egy sima – egy fordított with her translation of a play originally written and published in Romanian. The call for this year’s competition was issued for the second time by DESZ (Debreceni Egyetem Színháza [Theater of the University of Debrecen]) in cooperation with Debrecen’s local self-government and Csokonai Színház [Csokonai Theater].

The entries that had made it to the final of the students’ competition on the subject of the psychological aspects of human-robot interactions were exhibited and awarded at the Department of Psychology of the University of Debrecen on Thursday. The programme was also a contribution of the Faculty of Humanities to the university’s Neurotech project.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of UD, the Debrecen Summer University, and the EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center signed an educational and cultural cooperation agreement on Wednesday in order to facilitate the teaching and promotion of the learning of the Chinese language.

Three years ago, 12 Chinese students started their BA studies at the University of Debrecen in the framework of an international educational cooperation. Majoring in Hungarian at the Faculty of Humanities, they are now working on their theses and will graduate soon.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates agreed on upgrading the support system of young researchers at the University of Debrecen. At the event the infrastructural development projects completed in the last 5 years to the value of HUF 8 billion were presented, and deputy state secretary Balázs Hankó talked about further opportunities.

Within the framework of the Lectures on Chinese Culture course, representatives of the Bank of China (CEE) Ltd. held an online presentation entitled “Communication differences between the Hungarian and the Chinese culture” in English at the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen on Tuesday.

Edited by the staff of the International center for Migration Research of the Faculty of Arts (BTK) of the University of Debrecen, the volume „Migration Yesterday and Today” was launched in the Main Building of the University, in the Library of the Institute of History on Friday.

A joint online module titled “Forbidden City” has been launched by the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the UD and Tianjin Foreign Studies University. The official opening ceremony of the course was held on Thursday through an online video-conference.

In connection with the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festivities and with the start of the rice harvest in Hungary, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the UD held a conference titled “Rice in China and in Hungary” on Saturday in the settlement Gyomaendrőd.