Hírek Faculty of Humanities címkével

Nearly 100 students have come from over 30 countries to attend the courses of the Debrecen Summer University. This year again, various programs will offer an insight into Hungarian culture, besides studying the Hungarian language. For the first time, the Night of Poems will be on the menu, too.

The University of Debrecen and the BMW Group Gyár Debrecen have entered into a collaboration that covers professional training and research and development. The agreement was signed on Tuesday by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and President and CEO Hans-Peter Kemser.

A Chinese delegation visited the University of Debrecen on Friday. The professors of Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Chinese Academy of Sciences familiarized themselves with the teaching and research program of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, mapping the possibilities of a possible future cooperation.

The Faculty of Humanities (FoH) of the University of Debrecen (UD) said goodbye to its Chinese students graduating in Hungarian studies on Thursday at the end-of-the-academic-year ceremony held in the Main Building. The 15 Chinese graduates started their studies in Debrecen three years ago, thanks to an international educational cooperation.

A leadership symposium „Past, present and future of the business service sector in Debrecen - Opportunities and challenges in the tripartite cooperation of secondary professional training, higher education and the sector” was organized by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen, the Debrecen BSC Roundtable and the Debrecen Vocational Training Center.

On May 24-26, 2023, the #CARPE2023 international scientific traveling conference was hosted by Glasgow, Scotland. The University of Debrecen was represented at the conference by a delegation of twenty, led by László Csernoch, vice-rector for science.

As members of the second graduating class at our Faculty of Humanities, fifteen Chinese students, who started their studies in Hungarian at the University of Debrecen three years ago as participants in an international educational cooperation, are pretty close to the point of receiving their Hungarian BA diplomas.

Visiting our institution upon the invitation issued by IEAS (Institute of English and American Studies) His Excellency Ronan Gargan, the Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary, delivered a presentation entitled “Ireland and the European Union 1973-2023” at the University of Debrecen on Wednesday.

The Finnish ambassador to Hungary and the deputy Israeli ambassador arrived at the University of Debrecen on Wednesday for an introductory and familiarization visit. Vice Rector for Education Elek Bartha received the Finnish diplomat in the morning and the Israeli diplomat in the afternoon in the rector's council room of the Main Building.

Last Thursday, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen celebrated Chinese Language Day by arranging a poem recitation competition titled Petőfi 200 and the opening of an exhibition called The Power of Poetry: Lu Xun and Petőfi.

On Saturday, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Arts (BTK) of the University of Debrecen (DE) and the Hungarian Traditional Chinese Costumes Club welcomed those interested in an event organized on the occasion of Traditional Chinese Folk Costume Day with a presentation of traditional Chinese clothing, a tea ceremony and food tasting.

On Thursday, Professor Izaak Hendrik Wenno, dean of the Indonesian Faculty of Teacher Education, Pattimura University, gave an online presentation with the title Archipelago Education, organized by the National Association of Doctoral Students (DOSZ).

Continuing the already existing joint training programs, introducing student and teacher exchanges, offering double degree programs and initiating curriculum development are just a sample of the issues discussed at the meeting last Friday when a delegation from Beijing University of International Studies (BISU) was received by the representatives of the Rector’s Office of the University of Debrecen and the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Humanities.

By learning about traditional Japanese verses and poetry of the 11th century, those attending the events comprising the program of the Day of Ancient Japanese Literature and Culture, which were held on Saturday by the Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen, could indeed participate in a “real” time travel.

During her two-day trip to Debrecen, Caroline Charette, Canada's ambassador to Hungary, also visited the University of Debrecen. First she had talks with the university management, followed by a lecture to the students of the Institute of English and American Studies of Faculty of Humanities. She also found the time to familiarize herself with the work the Canadian Studies Research Center.

Chen Kun, education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary visited the Confucius Institute of UD on Tuesday. At the event, the Hungarian director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Miskolc gave a presentation to students about industrial developments in China.

Our international academic relations and projects of cooperation were both promoted and strengthened by the interdisciplinary conference titled Kazakh-Hungarian cultural narratives, social and economic diversity. The conference was hosted jointly on Friday by the Department of Ethnography of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and the ambassadorial system of National Association of Doctoral Students.

Both director Pál Csontos and institute secretary László Erik Kovács of the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities (BTK) of the University of Debrecen (UD) have recently received a certificate of appreciation from Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) for their outstanding work in promoting Chinese culture in Hungary.

Writing Center, an online mentoring program operated by the Institute of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen, based on the assistance of senior MA and Ph.D. students acting as tutors and coaches to their lower-year peers, will continue to be offered in the upcoming spring semester, too.

The London-based Routledge has published a book entitled Vikings of the Steppe. The author is Csete Katona, a young assistant lecturer who works at the Department of Medieval and Early Modern History of the Institute of History.

Giacomo Maria Oliva, Deputy Director of the museum Museo di Reggio Calabria in Italy, gave a talk in Italian on Wednesday at the University of Debrecen titled Bronzi di Riace. The topic he covered was the (hi)story of the ancient Greek bronze statues that had been discovered in the sea near the Calabrian city of Riace in 1972.

The Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of UD held a conference entitled “Tea culture in China and in Hungary” in Gyomaendrőd between 21-23 October. The academic presentations were accompanied by exhibitions, concerts, dance performance and sport demonstration.

The University of Debrecen and Sunway University, one of the best private universities in South-East Asia, signed a partnership agreement on Friday. The event was also attended by the ambassador of Malaysia to Hungary. The agreement will strengthen the international presence of UD and facilitate student and teacher mobility.