Hírek Faculty of Humanities címkével

A partial ban on visitors has been introduced as of Friday at Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen because of the flu epidemic and in the interest of the patients. As regards Gyula Kenézy University Hospital, the restrictions continue to be in effect.

The Institute of German Studies of the UD, together with ITSH and Debrecen’s German Cultural Forum, jointly hosted the finals of a German-language competition for high-school students on Wednesday, February 5, as part of the campaign called Deutsch.Karriere.Erfolg.

The Goethe Institute is willing to strengthen its relationship with the UD, which has been successful for years – said Evelin Hust, head of the institute during her introductory visit on Monday. The recently appointed director was greeted by Vice Rector Elek Bartha and Dean Róbert Keményfi.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

A two-day, international, Russian language conference was organised at the Russian Centre of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen on 5-6 December, with the title „The artistic language of the contemporary Russian novel”.

Chinese language teaching and promotion of Chinese culture – these are the main goals of the Confucius Institute established at the UD. The institution was set up in a cultural and educational cooperation of UD and the Chinese Tianjin Foreign Language University, and it was opened on Friday.

The Social Sciences programmes of the University of Debrecen are among the best in the world. On the latest disciplinary ranking of Times Higher Education the University of Debrecen was ranked within the category of 301-400th places.

The „Vígkarma” Theatre Company of the University of Debrecen gave two performances of the play ÜBÜ FC directed by Gábor Halmi in the Canadian town of Saint John (New Brunswick) during their tour between 26 August and 1 September.

DESzínház, the acting company of the University of Debrecen will represent Hungary at the International Amateur Theater Festival to be staged this year in New Brunswick, Canada, between August 27 and September 1.

As a result of the general application procedure, 7420 first-year students can start their university studies in the Hungarian language trainings of the UD, 12 % up from last year. the number of all students admitted to the university during this calendar year has reached ten thousand.

The Debrecen Summer School began its 92nd academic year on Monday. This year 160 students have arrived from 33 countries to attend the courses and acquire Hungarian as a foreign language ad familiarise themselves with our country’s culture and history.

The University of Debrecen and the Hungarian Research Institute have embarked on research in the fields of ethnography, history, archeogenetics, and religion history. The cooperation agreement was signed by rector Zoltán Szilvássy and the director general.

This is the fifth time the Institute of British and American Studies has advertised the English language debate competition for secondary school students, this time in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Hungary. The topic of the debate this year will be the 1989 change in the political and economi

József Goretity, literary historian, literary translator, Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Debrecen, has been awarded a prestigious international recognition for his work in fostering Russian-Hungarian cultural ties.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.