Hírek Innovation címkével

The University of Debrecen helps its students with a unique application. UD Studyversity, which is accessible from all mobile platforms, provide tailor-made information about educational issues, timetables, exams and other things related to university life.

The Department of Botany at UD has digitalised its four botanical collections, and integrated data into a special database that can be used in distance learning as well. The structure, the morphological section and microscopic photos of various plants are all available in the virtual collection.

The University of Debrecen will receive HUF 6.25 billion from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund in the framework of the Thematic Excellence Programme 2020. Of the HUF 43.9 billion provided to 27 Hungarian science institutions, UD will receive the biggest amount.

As many as 10 parallel or simultaneous whole-genome sequencing processes can be implemented cost-effectively through the application of the new high-capacity DNA sequencing equipment that has been installed recently to operate at Genomic Medicine and Bioinformatics Core Facility of the UD.

The Innovation Centre and the Vaccine Pilot Plant will be the first university facilities in the Science Park of the University of Debrecen. The cornerstones of the buildings were laid on Tuesday in the presence of László Palkovics, minister of innovation and technology.

“Egészségügyi Innovációs Szemle” (Innovation in Healthcare) – this is the title of a new magazine launched jointly by the faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD. The quarterly journal will focus on the newest achievements in the fields of medicine and health science.

Supported by the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), the University of Debrecen (UD) and the National Public Health Centre have agreed to promote creation of up-to-date vaccine production in Hungary. The agreement was signed in the Ministry on Friday.

GE Reports has recently published an account of the European application of a special methodology developed by the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology and called Catalyst, as well as of the role of the University of Debrecen and GE Healthcare in the relevant program.

After the Hungarian, the English version of the unique healthcare application of the UD has also become available for downloading. Via the UD Mediversity app, foreign patients can now use the telephone directory, as well as search for specialised outpatient clinics and physicians.

The European Commissions’s delegation was informed on the utilisation of EU Structural and Investment Funds, research and development investments by the University of Debrecen on wednesday.

The UD has acquired a set of new instruments unique in Hungary and Central Europe. The special instruments, purchased with the use of grant sources in the amount of HUF 885 million, will provide the technological background, among other things, for cancer research.

Students of the University of Debrecen earned a prestigious recognition in the finals of the CARPE Challenge project idea competition, organized in the Spanish city of Valencia, between 23-25 October, by the Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education.

A joint Big Data research lab has been established by the University of Debrecen and the Guangxi University of Finance and Economics. The two institutions are also planning to launch dual degree programmes in IT, Economics and Mathematics.

The hearing-enhancement implants have been activated and the two children who were operated on at the University of Debrecen in August can now hear sounds. They were the first in Hungary to receive the special hearing aids, which also greatly help speech development.

The University of Debrecen and the Budapest headquarters of GE Healthcare have been given an opportunity to participate in the introduction and implementation in Europe of the methodology of the Catalyst programmme of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The University of Debrecen has received a plaque award for cooperation at the Chinese (Fujian)-Hungarin Economic and Trade Conference. The plaque says that UD cooperates with the Cinese Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College.

Two students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen can participate in the final of the CARPE Challenge in Valencia in October after they have won the universities’ round on September 4 with their idea in the field of transport development.

On the Sunday News radio programme Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen spoke about the economic development of the university in connection with the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the Transit Route Via Carpatia.

The hearing of children born deaf or severe hearing impairment is restored by a newly developed inner ear implant which was first implanted in Hungary at the UD. The intervention was performed in joint cooperation by Debrecen specialists and a Professor of Warsaw Medical University.

The special fluoresent compounds developed by the researchers of the Department of Applied Chemistry of the faculty of Science and technology, University of Debrecen, can also be used in cancer diagnostics, cell biology, and analytics.

The Clinical Centre of the UD conducts research in the field of the Higher Education Excellence Programme using the most up-to-date technology of MI, Big Data, and cloud computing. Teaching of the novel methods, with the participation of Microsoft Magyarország Kft., ended on Wednesday.

The Hungarian Government supports the development of the technical education of the University of Debrecen with close to 20 billion forints. According to plans, vehicle engineering training can start by September 2020, with aviation engineering as a major included.

The thousand-year-old form of movement, which the university’s students could try on Tuesday, can gain a role even in stress research conducted at the University of Debrecen. The free of charge class organized in the framework of the international yoga day DESOK was filled to capacity.

With the contribution of UD and the prestigious Mayo Clinic, Senzime, a Swedish company, has developed a cutting-edge monitor to be used in operating rooms. The device can accurately detect when a patient is able to breath independently again. Its use enhances patient safety significantly.

From now on, electrical engineering students at UD will be able to learn how to use programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in an industrial environment. In connection with the new lab, representatives of companies operating in the region discussed opportunities for cooperation with the faculty.