Leading members of CARPE (Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education) met in Brussels over the weekend. Representing the University of Debrecen, Deputy Rector for Research and Education László Csernoch and Scientific Director Zsolt Varga attended the meeting.
Hírek Institutional címkével
German Ambassador to Hungary Julia Gross paid her first visit to the University of Debrecen on Wednesday. First, she met with university leaders, then with faculty members and students from the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.
A delegation from the Embassy and Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Vienna has visited the University of Debrecen and discussed the possibilities of increasing the number of Bangladeshi students. The diplomats also visited the university’s Faculty of Engineering.
The ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Hungary encouraged scientific and training cooperation between the University of Debrecen and higher education institutions of Cuba. Ambassador Guillermo Vázquez Moreno visited the university’s industrial park in Vezér Street as well.
The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Hungary visited the University of Debrecen on Tuesday to discuss the University's training portfolio and its extensive domestic and international network of contacts. Malallah Albalushi also inquired about the possibility of increasing the number of Omani students during his meeting with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy.
A delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Hungary met with Elek Bartha, Vice Rector for Education, on Friday to discuss opportunities for academic and mobility cooperation between the University of Debrecen and Iraqi higher education institutions. The delegation also met with Iraqi students studying at the University of Debrecen.
In addition to the park's yew trees and the Christmas tree, the Main Building of the University of Debrecen was also dressed in festive lights over the weekend. Every evening during the Advent period, the building and the square will be attractively illuminated with decorative lights, which can be admired via webcam, too.
The leaders of the University of Debrecen and representatives of three faculties discussed the strengthening of existing cooperation and the establishment of further relations in the Central Asian country. The delegation’s talks took place at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and four universities.
H.E. Gong Tao, the new ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Budapest, has discussed new opportunities for cooperation between the University of Debrecen and Chinese companies as well as institutions of higher education with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy. During the visit of his delegation, the Chinese diplomat and his staff also met some Chinese international students enrolled at our university.
The University of Debrecen has held its autumn PhD graduation ceremony traditionally in the framework of the Celebration of Hungarian Science. At the ceremony, 111 candidates received their diplomas, and Habilitated Doctorate and Professor Emeritus titles as well as university awards were also conferred.
The János Arany Centre, founded in 2018 by Debrecen Summer University and Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, announced a pronunciation competition for Chinese students majoring in Hungarian language and literature, on the occasion of the day of the Hungarian language.
The University of Debrecen was included as the only Hungarian higher education institution in the latest publication of the Healthy Campus programme of the International University Sports Federation, which collected the best examples of university well-being from all over the world, with as many as seven best practices.
Chongqing Medical University has initiated clinical and research cooperation and the launch of clinical exchange programs with the University of Debrecen. The delegation of this Chinese institution, consisting exclusively of professors of health sciences including obstetrics-gynecologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and infectologists, as well as their Director of Strategic Development, also met with the representatives of the Clinical Centre.
On Tuesday evening, students and employees of the University of Debrecen had a chance to view a portrait film in the university theatre hall about the career of the legendary youth coach of Real Madrid, József Tóth-Zele. The premiere, which was combined with a Q&A session with the audience, was also attended by the 88-year-old title character and the producer of the film, Ambassador Barnabás Kovács.
A Hungarian delegation formed with the help of our Confucius Institute and headed by Vice Rector for General Affairs Károly Pető travelled to China recently. The members of the delegation met with representatives of several partner universities and a number of industrial companies to discuss further cooperation opportunities.
The Ambassador of France to Hungary arrived at the University of Debrecen to further strengthen the cooperation between the University of Debrecen and French institutions. The aim of his visit is to link UD's educational and scientific activities with French higher education institutions and companies.
Beijing University of Agriculture and the University of Debrecen continue to broaden the basics of their cooperation. These two institutions have been working together in the field of biological plant protection and pest management for more than two decades, and their joint research and education activities will soon be extended to additional academic fields. The relevant agreement was signed on Thursday by the leaders of the two universities in Debrecen.
Aurelia Giacometto Skipwith, former director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, visited the University of Debrecen to discuss agricultural research and training, as well as ways to increase the number of American students. He also gave a lecture to students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management.
The University of Debrecen has established a new organisational unit for the management of disaster medicine and the operation of mobile medical teams in disaster and war zones, as well as for the management of domestic charitable and support programmes. University leaders informed journalists about the planned tasks and objectives of the centre on Friday.
The University of Debrecen has been ranked as the best Hungarian higher education institution in both the natural and social sciences in the Times Higher Education 2024 thematic rankings. The institution has also improved its position in the field of informatics in the list recently published by the renowned British rankings.
The issues discussed at the meeting held in the Rector's Office of the University of Debrecen on Tuesday included points of connection between the health care systems of the University of Debrecen and the University of Tibet, the possibilities of future cooperation and the organization of emergency and cardiovascular care. The Tibetan delegation was received by Zoltán Szabó, Vice Rector and President of the Clinical Centre and Okszána Kiszil, Director of Coordination and Strategy.
The Vietnamese Ambassador to Hungary has discussed cooperation opportunities combining Eastern and European cultures and the possibility of increasing the number of Vietnamese students enrolled at the University of Debrecen. During the course of his visit to Debrecen, Nguyen Thi Bich Thao also met the Vietnamese students studying here.
The “youngest” Austrian library in Hungary, Debreceni Ausztria Könyvtár [Austria Library of Debrecen], celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its opening recently. The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen [DEENK] held a festive symposium on the occasion of this jubilee, where attention was drawn to the colorful cultural offer of the Austrian library's stock and the possibilities of bibliothecas as cultural hubs.
Two institutions of higher education located in Shanghai, China, wish to map up cooperation opportunities with the University of Debrecen in the fields of engineering education and research. The delegations also have held talks with the management of the Faculty of Engineering.
Astana IT University and a Kazakh clinical network are searching for opportunities to cooperate with the University of Debrecen in the field of dual degree system and medical education. The delegation that arrived on Tuesday also visited the Centre for International Education Coordination and the Faculty of General Medicine.