Hírek Students címkével

Casey Ott, head of the company plant at Veresegyháza gave a presentation on the rapid development of the aviation industry, the most advanced engines and career opportunities in GE Aviation.

Students of the University of Debrecen were able to learn about international scholarship programmes, internships, summer schools and job opportunities at the series of events called Erasmus Days between October 8 and 12.

During the course of the current semester, too, the students of the University of Debrecen will be assisted by outstanding representatives of Hungarian and international business life in their effort to obtain state-of-the-art practical knowledge and skills.

The „Vígkarma” Theatre Company of the University of Debrecen gave two performances of the play ÜBÜ FC directed by Gábor Halmi in the Canadian town of Saint John (New Brunswick) during their tour between 26 August and 1 September.

Two students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen can participate in the final of the CARPE Challenge in Valencia in October after they have won the universities’ round on September 4 with their idea in the field of transport development.

DESzínház, the acting company of the University of Debrecen will represent Hungary at the International Amateur Theater Festival to be staged this year in New Brunswick, Canada, between August 27 and September 1.

The highest number of foreign students, one fifth of all foreign students studying in Hungary, continue to choose UD to study at. This coming autumn more than 2000 „freshmen” will start their university studies in Debrecen.

The Debrecen Summer School began its 92nd academic year on Monday. This year 160 students have arrived from 33 countries to attend the courses and acquire Hungarian as a foreign language ad familiarise themselves with our country’s culture and history.

The University of Debrecen hosts the 11th English-language Theatre Conference jointly organised by the University, the Local Government of the City of Debrecen, and Csokonai Theatre between May 16 and 18 with the attendance of Hungarian and foreign theatre groups.

The thousand-year-old form of movement, which the university’s students could try on Tuesday, can gain a role even in stress research conducted at the University of Debrecen. The free of charge class organized in the framework of the international yoga day DESOK was filled to capacity.

Those who visited Egyetem Square on Friday had a great opportunity to taste the most delicious dishes of four continents. On the 14th International Food Day foreign students of the University of Debrecen offered a glimpse into the cuisine and culture of their respective countries.

An international culinary cavalcade where not only can you taste the world but you can also meet the multicultural community of UD – This is the International Food Day, which will be held at Egyetem Square on 3 May.

Chinese students will soon start their studies in the Hungarian language at the Faculty of Humanities of UD. The management of the faculty and the delegation of the Beijing International Studies University (BISU) discussed the expansion of their already existing cooperation on Tuesday.

In the past few days, the International Office of the University of Debrecen has been promoting opportunities to study and complete internship abroad among students through ”Erasmus breakfasts” and presentations at nearly all campuses of the university.

Personalised training programme and lifestyle counselling for three months, free of charge – Five lucky students of UD have been selected to take part in the first health development mentoring programme of UniFit, which, from now on, the training centre intends to launch every semester.

A physiotherapy student of UD will compete with astrophysics, cancer research and marine biology students in the final of the SCIndicator scientific communication mentoring programme. Ivett Szalóme Horváth has developed a unique hand therapy that allows the improvement of handwriting skills.

As a conclusion to the programme series entitled Welcome Week, organisers invited foreign students to a welcome dinner at the University of Debrecen on Friday. At the event students were able to get an insight into Hungarian cuisine and culture as well.

Debreceni Nyári Egyetem [Debrecen Summer School] continues to offer its ever-popular semester courses on less widely used and taught languages (LWTL) this year. Signing up for these courses is possible until February 19, and teaching will start at the end of the same month.

The series of graduation ceremonies in the winter period has been started by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management. The ceremonies are recorded by the Multimedia and E-learning Centre.

Debreceni Egyetemi Színház Vígkarma Társulata [verbatim: Happy Karma Troupe of the Theatre of the University of Debrecen] is to represent Hungary at the 2019 international Amateur Theatre Festival hosted in Canada by AITA/IATA, the most successful association of amateur theatres in the world.

Students' programmes in the morning, stadium show in the afternoon. You can relive the moments of the university day via the official aftermovies. This year 22,000 people attended yoUDay, the unique year-opening party of UD.

Foreign students of the University of Debrecen presented their traditional clothing and folk dances at a gala evening on 26 October, which was part of the series of events that commemorates the 100-year tradition of medical education at UD.

It is for the 20th time that the International Relations Committee of the Student Government opened the gate wide for students of the University of Debrecen. The slogan of this year’s Mobility Fair, “Take the First Step”, is not accidental.

Kristóf Balázs Sipos, student at the Faculty of Engineering, won a gold medal in mechatronics in the 2018 round of Euroskills held in Budapest. Apart from the website of the university, countless local and national news outlets reported on this outstanding professional success.

The show celebrating the start of the academic year at UD, which was held at the Nagyerdei Stadium on Wednesday, was a huge success. The yoUDay brought a world-class show, an outstanding community experience, and a record number of spectators.