Hírek Faculty of Science and Technology címkével

The University of Debrecen has moved up more than 200 positions in the RUR 2020 Natural Sciences ranking list. As the best Hungarian university, UD is now among the first 300 higher education institutions. The organisation evaluates 711 universities around the world every year.

The OpenBioMaps system of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD has won super computer capacity from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The biological database system will be used by natural reserves and science institutes in Hungary to study the spread of species.

More toxic metals accumulate in spawns than in developed fish – according to researchers of the UD. For their scientific publication, the group received the Sándor Vitális Award of Excellence established by the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the General Directorate of Water Management.

Researchers of Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics at the UD have conducted studies of hydro-morphodynamics, measuring the spatial and temporal river channel changes in the Sajó River, with the help of innovative measuring devices and in collaboration with German researchers.

A researcher from the UD has participated in the work of the international research group that established that the opening of forest canopies exerts an effect of heat stress on the flora in the forest underbrush. The findings of the research project were published by prestigious Science magazine.

Richter Gedeon Plc. donated biotechnological instruments to the amount of 38 million HUF to the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD for educational and research purposes. The high-tech devices will be used in the laboratories of the Institute of Biotechnology.

Many hope that the spring with its warmer weather will provide a solution to the corona epidemic. We asked the head of the Department of Meteorology of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UD about the effects of the weather on the spread of the virus.

How does the cuckoo choose foster parents, that is, host birds, for her nestlings? This was the basic question of a research project carried out by behavioural ecologists of the UD. Their surprising results have been published in Scientific Report, which belongs to the Nature group of journals.

In addition to transferring professional knowledge and skills, the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of the UD also prepares students for the global challenges of the 21st century. The market demand for young professionals with a degree in engineering or science is continually increasing.

During the 4-day visit of the delegation of the University of Donghua and in connection with the Chinese initiative ’One Belt, one Road’, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UD have signed a cooperation agreement with two faculties of the Shanghai-based university.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

UD has improved its position on the thematic lists of Times Higher Education. In the area of natural sciences the institution moved up on the list compared to the previous year, and it is ranked in the top 800. UD is ranked again in the top 600 this year in the areas of life and medical sciences.

Internationally acknowledged researchers of evolutionary biology and ecology presented the latest results concerning reproduction strategies at an international symposium on Thursday at the University of Debrecen.

According to Times Higher Education’s most recent ranking by subject, the UD places among the best Hungarian institutions of higher education. Along with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the UD places in the 601-800 category on the Engineering & Technology list.

Preparations for the expansion of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen, the renovation of the Chemistry Building and the construction of the new vehicle laboratory are all included in the Hungarian government’s 13 billion forints’ worth of education package.

The special fluoresent compounds developed by the researchers of the Department of Applied Chemistry of the faculty of Science and technology, University of Debrecen, can also be used in cancer diagnostics, cell biology, and analytics.

A structural testing and analytical instrument centre, unique in Hungary, has been established at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen. The total value of the three up-to-date instruments exceeds 780 million HUF.

The most recent results in the decisive branch of complex chemistry, the production and examination of metal complexes have been presented at the International Symposium on Metal Complexes 2019, which has also been awarded the title Debrecen University Symposium.

The Hungarian Government supports the development of the technical education of the University of Debrecen with close to 20 billion forints. According to plans, vehicle engineering training can start by September 2020, with aviation engineering as a major included.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.