Hírek Faculty of Medicine címkével

Scalpels, scissors and forceps make up the sets of medical instruments included in a more than HUF 4 million worth of donation offered by MEDICOR Kéziműszer Zrt. [Medicor Hand Instrument Ltd.] to support the programs of the University of Debrecen in medicine.

Zsuzsa Bagoly, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at UD is among the L'Oréal-Unesco award winners this year. She has been recognised for her research work aimed at making the treatment of stroke patients more efficient.

The University of Debrecen has improved its position in yet another Medical Sciences subject ranking. Compared to its last year's performance, UD has gained 50 places to become one of the top 300 universities offering degree programmes in medical sciences in the Round University Thematic Rankings.

Compared to last year, the University of Debrecen has gained 100 places in the category of medical and health sciences of the Times Higher Education Ranking. UD has also finished among the best 500 in the subject of Social Sciences, while it has been ranked in the 501-600 range in Life Sciences.

As many as 10 parallel or simultaneous whole-genome sequencing processes can be implemented cost-effectively through the application of the new high-capacity DNA sequencing equipment that has been installed recently to operate at Genomic Medicine and Bioinformatics Core Facility of the UD.

Graduates from the US received their diplomas in the rather unusual venue of Nagyerdei Stadion on the first two Saturdays of July. At the second installment of the extraordinary graduation ceremony, graduates from as many as nine faculties could toss their graduation caps into the air.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary has hosted an online scientific conference on the current status of R&D related to the protection from the spread of COVID-19. At the conference, Rector Zoltán Szilvássy gave a presentation on the developments currently underway at the UD.

With its 44th position in the Good Health and Wellbeing category the University of Debrecen has ranked the best Hungarian university, also ranking among the best among the world’s universities in three other categories on the most recent list of Times Higher Education (THE).

Smart lecture books, high-tech simulation labs, a friendly campus and internationally acknowledged lecturers – these are the main factors that make medical education at UD the best in Hungary.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

Valina L. Dawson was presented the “Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine” on 26th November by University of Debrecen. She was awarded for her findings facilitating Parkinson’s disease and stroke treatment. The neurologist professor is the first woman to receive the prestigious award.

UD has improved its position on the thematic lists of Times Higher Education. In the area of natural sciences the institution moved up on the list compared to the previous year, and it is ranked in the top 800. UD is ranked again in the top 600 this year in the areas of life and medical sciences.

The UD has acquired a set of new instruments unique in Hungary and Central Europe. The special instruments, purchased with the use of grant sources in the amount of HUF 885 million, will provide the technological background, among other things, for cancer research.

A laboratory with uniquely up-to-date instrumentation that can also be used in cancer research was unveiled at the University of Debrecen on Monday. Renewed with nearly 1 billion forints, a laboratory for cell analysis bears the name of Sándor Damjanovich, a former professor of the UD.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.

The „FEBS Europhosphatase” conference will be organised by the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the UD this year. The event will be attended by international authorities of protein research and specialists from the world’s prominent cancer research centres in the Life Science Building.

UD has come forward with an exceptional idea: it has published, first in Hungary, a printed textbook with digital content. The colourful, or even mobile illustrations work on mobile phones, or tablets, helping the understanding and mastering of the teaching material in a revolutionary way.