Hírek Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management címkével

The observation of the signs of climate change was one of the objectives of a 5-week expedition to Antarctica. László Radócz, head of the Institute of Plant Protection of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management of UD was the only Hungarian member of the team.

For the first time in 30 years in Hungary, agricultural water management engineers have completed their final exams at UD. Seven students have obtained their degrees after finishing the MSc programme restarted in 2018. The course launched by the Faculty of Agriculture is very popular abroad as well.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.