Hírek Institutional címkével

According to data available on the general application procedure to institutions of higher education, the number of applicants who wish to study at the University of Debrecen surpassed not only last year’s figures but also the national average.

A number of significant investments and developments financed through support from the Hungarian state are to be launched in 2021 at Faculty of Engineering of the UD. These improvements include an entire new wing of a building to be constructed.

The UD has been ranked 195th on the list of institutions of higher education in emerging economies published by Times Higher Education. Ours is one of ten universities out of the 600 institutions judged that could move forward at least two categories during the course of the past year.

The UD has been ranked second among Hungarian universities and has been included among the 300 best European universities, according to the most recent ranking of U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities.The UD’s best results were achieved in the fields of physics, biology and biochemistry.

The University of Debrecen concluded an agreement with the Uzbek government on the introduction of educational programmes in pharmacy in Uzbekistan, as well as on the promotion of joint educational, research, development, and programmes.

21,000 applicants have chosen the University of Debrecen as a host institute in the 2021/22 Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, accounting for 42% of all applications. The most popular courses are the public health and the technical programmes of UD.

Many of the teachers, researchers and students of the University of Debrecen followed the online opening event of NeurotechEU, a university association comprised of leading universities from eight countries, established for the development of neuroscience

The University of Debrecen is among the best 40 higher education institutions in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia Region category of the QS World University Rankings. UD has also made progress in the RUR thematic rankings, and continues to be in the top 250 in the Green Metric rank list.

In cooperation with leading universities from seven countries, the University of Debrecen has established a consortium for the development of neuroscience. The opening ceremony of NeurotechEU will be held on Wednesday with about a thousand participants.

Over a hundred photos were entered in the competition organised by the Department of Cultural and Human Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities and the Event Coordination and Alumni Centre of UD. The winners received gift packages, and their photos will be exhibited.

Compared to last year, the University of Debrecen has gained 100 places in the category of medical and health sciences of the Times Higher Education Ranking. UD has also finished among the best 500 in the subject of Social Sciences, while it has been ranked in the 501-600 range in Life Sciences.

A new development, which will be carried out at the Supercomputer Centre of UD and completed by 2022, will multiply the HPC capacity currently available in Hungary by ten. On Friday, the time capsule of the project was placed at the Kassai Campus, where the facility will be located.

The UD has concluded an agreement with Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia’s leading technical university – with a view to the pandemic situation, in the framework of an online meeting. The education and research cooperation will also encompass the areas of research and development.

The University of Debrecen helps its students with a unique application. UD Studyversity, which is accessible from all mobile platforms, provide tailor-made information about educational issues, timetables, exams and other things related to university life.

The University of Debrecen has launched a mental support service for its foreign students, based at the School of Public Health of the Faculty of Public Health. The faculty works together with the Mental Health Centre, which will be responsible for the coordination of the services provided.

The renewed University and National Library of UD has been officially opened. Owing to the HUF 400 million invested in the project, now the library awaits visitors with state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Complying with the pandemic-related rules, and with the number of visitors optimised, the fitness centre of UD awaits students who need to attend PE classes and those who just want to do some physical exercise. A simple negative air pressure system has also been installed in the facility.

Foreign students studying at UD can only enter the country if they have no symptoms, but they still have to spend 14 days in quarantine and demonstrate two negative PCR tests. They can indicate their status with a sticker on the door in order to ease their neighbours’ minds.

High-school teachers learned about local multinational companies and workplace environment in the service sector at a workshop organised jointly by the University of Debrecen and the Debrecen BSC roundtable.

The University of Debrecen will receive HUF 6.25 billion from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund in the framework of the Thematic Excellence Programme 2020. Of the HUF 43.9 billion provided to 27 Hungarian science institutions, UD will receive the biggest amount.

With 884 applications submitted for 986 places, this year UD has proved to be the most popular university in the second round of entrance exams. The number of successful applicants will be announced at the end of August.

In September, following standard admission procedure, 6,127 freshmen will start their studies on the Hungarian courses of the UD. After the second procedure and the entrance examination organized for people living over the border outside of Hungary, the number of students admitted may exceed 9,000.

As many as 10 parallel or simultaneous whole-genome sequencing processes can be implemented cost-effectively through the application of the new high-capacity DNA sequencing equipment that has been installed recently to operate at Genomic Medicine and Bioinformatics Core Facility of the UD.

Graduating students of the University of Debrecen received their diplomas this year in Nagyerdei Stadion. The celebration of the completion of their studies took place in front of a crowd of several thousand spectators on the arena floor of the state-of-the-art sports facility of Debrecen.